WIN10-2004 Security Can't Delete Virus



First, fix the Feedback Hub. I got tired of watched the six dots circle on my screen.

My computer has a serious problem with how WIN10-2004 handles viruses. It complained that I had several viruses associated within the same sub-folder of the parent folder. I selected DELETE and let it repair the damage. It came back with a message that I had more viruses – which were the ones that it had supposedly removed. I manually deleted the sub-folder the viruses were in. I repeated the process and Version 2004 repeated the same virus message. Next, I renamed the parent folder and repeated the process. Unfortunately, it said that I had viruses in the old non-existent parent folder. Finally, I got rid of the virus message by selecting the option to permit the viruses on my system instead of deleting them. The next virus scan was clean. Hopefully, 2004 didn’t make a copy of them somewhere else on my system.

This was the second time that this happened. The first time was shortly after 2004 was installed. Obviously, some system file must be corrupt because it is hard to imagine that this problem was not caught during testing. The virus problem was noticed after a download, so an attempt was made to remove it before activating it.

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