New System Image disk made under orig Win10 2004 no longer works to make a new one under newer Cumulative update to 2004



i7 KBLake cpu at 3.2GHz, ASUS Z270AR mobo, 32 GB 3200Mhz RAM, MSI RTX2080Ti 11GB VRAM TRIO GFX, Samsung 2 x 970PRO NVMe 1TB NVme , 3 SATA HDD plus Samsung 1TB EVO SATA SSD.

WIN10 PRO with latest cumulative Update to 2004.

History: The original 2004 download auto updated very recently from 1909 after long wait and appeared to install successfully, though with

Recycle bin full of other files.

My main 2 Apps seemed OK, Da Vinci Resolve 16 studio and eng. CAD, so time to make a Sys Image disk, though decided to

keep my 1909 sys image disk already made due to some new issues of instability with an App....just as well I did,

Bought a brand new 2TB HDD exact same as boot drive and made new 2004 system image on it, which it seemingly did OK.

But when returned to desktop the brown stuff hit the a message that a "Repair" was underway, which was not

successful. Could no longer boot from my system disk. A Recovery USB also did not work

Tried to do a Repair using my Win10 distribution CD, but that did not work either.

The new Sys Image I had apparently made OK under 2004 also failed to work !!

I have another PC with Win8.1 PRO on it. Transferred the boot drive to it as a data drive and found my data still intact.

but both boot and recovery areas trashed ,in fact missing.

Backed up my data from it .

Moved the boot drive back to Win10 PC and used my 1909 sys image back up to bring it back to a fully working system.

again.. Kept using 1909 as now many reports of a faulty 2004. (no glitches in apps now)

BUT recently it updated to 2004 again, though u/dates turned off.

Ran the system as is for now, but did not dare try sys image back up again!

Apart from a screen full of files sent to the (was empty) Recycle Bin this did not totally stop my work flow, despite the glitches.


1. Now must try Sys Image back up again? . All drives removed except boot and sys image drive.

2. But the original new disk with older 2004 version on it is not now recognised by Sys image as a drive !!!


4. Disk Management says its only 150Myte max capacity as well !!! (may be why sys image not seeing it, not enough capacity)

5. Yet my Win8.1 PC says its OK, full 1.8TB there after formatting!! Can also xfer files onto it OK !!!

6. Try CMD (Admin) commands in WIN10 PC FORMAT, no diff, CHKDSK, OK, ATTRIB (no files to work it) now

Cant get ATTRIBUTES or DISKPART to work on this drive...maybe I am in putting it wrong, FSUTIL, DISKPART etc no success.

7. CHKNTFS reports OK and a CLEAN drive

My conclusions: It appears that when a WIN10 PRO sys image is created , that it marks the drive against the PC its made from and

PROHIBITS any attempt to re re use the drive by formatting etc , xcept ONLY on the PC and opsys update version on which t was made, as it can be formatted and is fully accessible as an empty 1.8TB drive under Win8.1 PRO and by my Win 7 PRO as well

So the Update to the opsys apparently rendered it unusable The original sys image backup is hidden still on this drive and cant be removed??

Can any one advise me as how to get this brand new drive to be recognised as an empty full capacity drive under this version of Win10 PRO? -- as I can no longer use this new drive at all as it is on this PC.

This is urgent as one of my expensive licensed apps have no more installs left due to the orig 2004 crash and I need to make a sys image

urgently to retain this software (and all else) in case of another opsys failure. (Another new 2TB drive costs $105 over here)

I've now spent 3 full days and nights on this and cant find any reference to it on this or any other site so far.

Thanks for your time


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