Incorrect microsoft balance is showed when child trys to purchase stuff from minecraft or roblox.



Hi, my child has a microsoft account which is linked to my account. So she is added to my Microsoft account as a family member. Until 2 days ago whenever she wanted to buy stuff in games such as minecraft or roblox we would first transfer money to her account and then she would do the shopping with no problem and no further approval needed (as the money was already in her account). Now yesterday and today, whenever she tries to buy an item approval by parent is needed. Microsoft sent me an e-mail only once even though she tried many times. In the e-mail when I clicked "allow", it took me to the page for adding found. I have already added money. There is no need to add more. Yet it doesn't let my child to do the shopping. So far this is the first part of the problem. I went to my Microsoft account and removed the restriction for parental permission before shopping. Now this time while shopping my child is able to go as far as payment stage but it shows an incorrect Microsoft balance. I have many times turned the applications off or restarted the computer hopping this would fix it but no chance. Can someone please give some advices?

Thanks in advance

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