Windows 10 PC Keeps Getting BSOD After Installing SSD / Running Multiple Programmes Crashes It



Hi there,

I really hope someone can help me as I've been struggling with my PC all week. I've had this PC for about 6 years and over time have upgraded memory, graphics card and last week I bought a 1TB SSD to ideally replace my 1TB HDD. I followed the guides to clone my HDD to the SSD, booted up as I should and everything looked like it worked OK. Windows 10 transferred over with no issue.

However, from that same day, I've had dozens of BSODs whenever I'm on my computer. They occur more often if I'm trying to multitask (not even a lot). Previously I was able to have Chrome open, a video game (e.g. WoW), Discord etc open and it would never have any issues. Now, if I try and even have WoW and Chrome open, the PC just crashes. The BSOD messages I'm getting are all different but often seem to relate to memory.

I have 32GB of ram (4 x 8GB) and my BF installed this for me at least a year ago. There's not been any issues with it up to now. It also wasn't touched while he put in the new SSD so I just don't understand why I'm having memory issues now.

I though that the crashes could have been due to a failure in the cloning, so I did a complete clean installation of Windows 10 on the SSD. The old HDD has been unplugged since too. I reformatted all the partitions etc of the SSD and did the Win 10 install from a USB. I then have since reinstalled all my needed drivers, programmes etc. Yet it still continues to crash and I'm really tearing my hair out :'(

I don't know what to do. I thought about unplugging the SSD and replugging the old HDD in but because they both now have Windows 10 on, I'm scared of damaging my PC. Is it OK for me to do this, will the old OS from the HDD still work normally? I thought I could try it out with the old HDD for a while, and then if I got no more crashes, assume the issue was to do with the SSD and look to return it as a defect.

I think when answering these, you lovely helpers often ask for data dump things - I'm happy to share these if it will help but I'm really not very techy. Doing the SSD/reinstalling Windows was the peak of what I can do! If anyone has any suggestions I would be forever grateful.


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