Frequent BSODs even after Windows reset



This has been an on and off issue for a while now, but the persistence of this problem has been bugging me quite a bit. A few months ago, my computer started experiencing frequent BSODs. And by frequent, I mean on one day I got four in the span of an hour. Now, a few days earlier, I had updated my drivers using Driver Easy. I assumed that I had somehow installed an incorrect driver, so I rolled back the system to an earlier restore point. No dice. So, eventually, I reset the system. This solved the problem for just over a month or so.

Eventually this problem came back. Even more lost than before, after a few attempted fixes, I once again reset Windows. At this point, I have reset Windows at least once more due to this problem. It fixes the problem in the short-term, but somehow the BSODs always come back. Furthermore, the amount of time is takes for this to start again seems to be getting shorter with every reset.

Additionally, the specifics of the BSOD are always quite similar. Why this is happening even after resting my Windows is beyond me.

The details usually are:

  • Bug check code: 0x00000139 or 0x0000000a
  • Caused By Driver: ntoskrnl.exe
  • Bug check string: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

Probable solutions that I have tried so far include:

  • Resetting Windows, as mentioned before
  • Running chkdsk
  • Running Windows Memory Diagnostic
  • Running Driver Verifier
  • Updating Windows

Here's a summary of my desktop via Speccy: Desktop spec summary.txt

I will gladly provide any other information requested.

Please lend any help if you can.

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