After automatic Windows Update, got a "Kernal Mode Heap Corruption" BSOD, a “kernel security check failure” BSOD, and then a “System_threat_exception_



Good Morning!

After an automatic Windows Update on Monday, Tuesday I got a “Kernal Mode Heap Corruption” BSOD. An Independent Advisor in this forum took a look at my minidumpof the crash and said it was my Avast driver and that I should update Avast. I took the measures he advised and it seemed to solve the issue, however, yesterday I suffered two more BSODs in half an hour. First a “kernel security check failure” BSOD and then a “System_threat_exception_not_handled” BSOD. At the Blue Screen moments there was just MSWord open and I was navigating the web on Firefox.

I downloaded WinDbg Preview and took a look at the minidump files from the second and third BSODa, and from what I can tell they had nothing to do with the Avast driver indicated in the first BSOD this week. Though I must confess that I am very out of my depth here. I tried yesterday morning to reply to the same Advisor, but I had already marked the query as "answered", so the case may be closed, or he may be out of the office. In any event he has not responded and I am worried about the problem getting worse and losing valuable data. Could someone look at my dump files and help guide me to a solution.

Here is a zip of my minidump files.

I have a HP ENVY Phoenix H9 PC (model H9 1350)

3 years ago I upgrade the graphics car to a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

I am running 64 bit Windows 10 home

Thank you in advance for any help or insight you might be able to provide.


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