I Do Not Trust Windows 10: Help me to Protect Myself



I have put off updating to Windows 10 for as long as possible. But issues with VGA drivers no longer being supported which impacted graphics quality in games finally forced me to do so, approximately two weeks ago. I was pleasantly surprised when the update retained (apparently) all of my files, apps and most of my settings.

Then today, apparently as a result of an auto-update of some sort, the OS Defecated in the Bed. I made some effort to use DISM to reverse things but it was all in vain so I finally resorted to a Reset. Scores of apps uninstalled, desktop configurations blasted, ESET uninstalled, Visual Studio uninstalled (and I can only guess what sorts of nightmares I face in reconfiguring things there) . . . Godot Engine uninstalled . . . Yeah sure, lots of apps I never used anymore but the fact remains: Microsoft corporation has now stolen scores or even hundreds of user hours from me by forcing me to re-install apps or even pay for new licenses for apps which had lapsed but remained useable for non-proprietary purposes (e.g., Autodesk) . . . and so now, I REALLY do not trust Windows 10.

Over the course of probably 7 years I NEVER had this sort of issue with Windows 7 so you can understand why my fears of updating to bloatware, cloud-infested nonsense seem to have been warranted after all. The REAL shocker of all this: the OS install is on a C drive, but for some reason the Reset of Win 10 found it was prudent to uninstall apps on a D drive!? Why would that even be necessary!?

So I am asking anyone from Microsoft and anyone from this community to help me, a developer and end-user to do WHATEVER I can to deny Windows 10 from harming me by randomly choking on its own vomit and causing me to lose hours and hours of my day waiting for an interminable re-install sequence plus many dozens of hours fiddling with re-installing apps and reconfiguring my system. Obviously a System Restore Point and an auto System Restore point is in order, but perhaps there are subtleties or variations of that which the wisdom of this community can clarify for me. Creating an image disk and (I have learned) a USB install drive also would seem to be basic level "protect yourself from Windows 10 tripping falling on its face and breaking its neck because some programmer in New Delhi felt that the changes to some obscure widget in Cortana deserved a global update get pushed to 600 million end-users . . . Please, someone who is deeply expert in these matters, provide me with a list and ample html links all about "How to Protect Yourself From Windows 10 Suffering a Seizure and Wrecking Your PC for No Apparent Reason."

In addition to those "Basic Failure Measures" (which, I mean think about WHAT this OS was supposed to be all about right!? Cloud-connected so no need for this kinda thing! RIGHT!? Yeah right . . .) I want as close to COMPLETE control over my system as I can possibly manage, and that means turning off EVERYTHING automated, remote-controlled or otherwise mass-distributed from Microsoft Corporation or any of its minions as humanly possible. If at all possible, I would prefer that my desktop look about like Windows XP and that my user interface function more-or-less in that fashion as well. I have ZERO interest in Bing, Edge, Xbox, or ANY of Microsofts products or servers other than those which I actively seek out and shop for of my own volition. In sum, I want Billyware's Millennial Marketing Mobs to Bugger Off out of my face and leave me alone.

I don't want Windows 10 to do so much as connect to a server without asking me for permission first and I'm completely serious about that; Maybe that is not possible and I should just face the prospect of actually going for it and becoming a Tux . . . But maybe it IS possible to a considerable degree and if I've put it off this long and feel this heated about it then surely I'm not alone. Surely there are whole COMMUNITIES out there who feel the same where I can find mountains of lore and wisdom in my quest to subvert M$ and rip the system?

ADDIT: And another thing . . . It appears that the Windows 10 Reset has, in the course of uninstalling Google Chome ALSO deleted several years worth of bookmarks and favorites. There is a chance that those urls were retained in an obscure .txt file somewhere in a buried directory where even Billy and His Minions would never think to look . . . but given this catastrophe only just happened to me, I have not yet summoned the courage to dive in and see just how much carnage there is.

IF Microsoft had the foresight to create backups of things like Booksmarks/Favorites for a Dreaded Rival app such as Google Chrome, where might I look in this Sesame Street cartoon of a UI to find such a thing?

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