DefaultUser100000 folder



I recently accidentally pressed: forgot pincode
On my login startup screen and now i see a folder called: DefaultUser100000
in my user oflder on my C drive.
I was wondering how and what.
So i logged out and pressed the button for forgot pincode again, because that's the only think i could think of, caused the folder to spawn.
After that and logging back into my account, i saw a new folder together with the DefaultUser100000, called: DefaultUser100001.PC
Which basically answered my question of, what caused them to spawn.

My question here now is; can i safely delete those 2 folders from my C drive?
Or do i need to go through a whole process of using the windows command thingy?

I should also add, that both folders say that they have 0 items in them and are empty.
And i only use my main account to login.
Which never showed nor created such a folder aside of just called a folder named: User

Thanks in advance. ^^

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