Task scheduler issue



Hello all,

I'm trying to set up a task scheduler in order to launch a ".vbs" file each evening. The ".vbs" file takes some ".xls" files, make copy of them and after that generate new ones with some extracted info.

The task is set up on a W7 machine using a domain account, the ".vbs" file is on a DFS structure on a W 2016 server.

If the task is run with the option "Run only when the user is logged on" everything goes well. This means there is no script issue, no path issue, no read/write rights issues, etc.

After setting the domain user with "Log on as batch job" rights I switched to "Run whether the user is logged on or not" and also check the "Run with highest privileges". The task launches but nothing happens. In the Hystory tab of Task Scheduler there is no error and the script run indefinite ... with no results, like no Excel was opened ...

I searched through lots of support forums and it seems that interactive tasks could not be run with the user not logged, but in this case there is no interaction inside the ".vbs", no message printed on the screen, etc. Could be considered "interaction" the Excel launch?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


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