win10 2004 fails on second boot phase every time over 20hr with this fix this mess



  1. Matching Profile found: FindRollbackFailure - 3A43C9B5-05B3-4F7C-A955-88F991BB5A48
  2. SetupDiag version:
  3. System Information:
  4. Machine Name = DESKTOP-SVOCV7A
  5. Manufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  6. Model = To be filled by O.E.M.
  7. HostOSArchitecture = 1033
  8. FirmwareType = UEFI
  9. BiosReleaseDate = 20141007000000.000000+000
  10. BiosVendor = FCg
  11. BiosVersion = FCg
  12. HostOSVersion = 10.0.18363
  13. HostOSBuildString = 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
  14. TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.19041.450 (vb_release_svc_prod1.200805-1850)
  15. HostOSLanguageId =
  16. HostOSEdition = Professional
  17. RegisteredAV = Windows Defender
  18. FilterDrivers = FileInfo
  19. UpgradeStartTime = 9/1/2020 6:54:19 PM
  20. UpgradeEndTime = 9/2/2020 12:20:16 AM
  21. UpgradeElapsedTime = 05:25:57
  22. CV = V/r5hBeybEqhxnH1
  23. ReportId = 5AFFFB9B-FB87-4242-B66A-4ECEEB1CF75F

  24. Error: SetupDiag reports rollback failure found.
  25. Last Phase = Post First Boot
  26. Last Operation = Ensure suspended services are stopped
  27. Error = 0xC1900101-0x40017
  28. LogEntry:

  29. Refer to "System Error Codes - Win32 apps" for error information.

  30. Last Setup Phase:
  31. Phase Name: Post First Boot
  32. Phase Started: 9/2/2020 12:10:19 AM
  33. Phase Ended: 9/2/2020 12:19:59 AM
  34. Phase Time Delta: 00:09:40
  35. Completed Successfully? True

  36. Last Setup Operation:
  37. Operation Name: Ensure suspended services are stopped
  38. Operation Started: 9/2/2020 12:19:58 AM
  39. Operation Ended: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
  40. Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00.0000000
  41. Completed Successfully? False

  42. Matching Profile found: FindRollbackFailure - 3A43C9B5-05B3-4F7C-A955-88F991BB5A48
  43. SetupDiag version:
  44. System Information:
  45. Machine Name = DESKTOP-SVOCV7A
  46. Manufacturer = Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  47. Model = To be filled by O.E.M.
  48. HostOSArchitecture = 1033
  49. FirmwareType = UEFI
  50. BiosReleaseDate = 20141007000000.000000+000
  51. BiosVendor = FCg
  52. BiosVersion = FCg
  53. HostOSVersion = 10.0.18363
  54. HostOSBuildString = 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
  55. TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.19041.508 (vb_release_svc_prod1.200905-1327)
  56. HostOSLanguageId =
  57. HostOSEdition = Professional
  58. RegisteredAV = Windows Defender
  59. FilterDrivers = FileInfo
  60. UpgradeStartTime = 9/24/2020 2:25:34 PM
  61. UpgradeEndTime = 9/24/2020 6:31:49 PM
  62. UpgradeElapsedTime = 04:06:15
  63. CV = c8WqZLy3BEKf/tHD
  64. ReportId = E7366588-F2C5-4AC2-A608-3A0B9AE796D3

  65. Error: SetupDiag reports rollback failure found.
  66. Last Phase = Post First Boot
  67. Last Operation = Ensure suspended services are stopped
  68. Error = 0xC1900101-0x40017
  69. LogEntry:

  70. Refer to "System Error Codes - Win32 apps" for error information.

  71. Last Setup Phase:
  72. Phase Name: Post First Boot
  73. Phase Started: 9/24/2020 6:26:53 PM
  74. Phase Ended: 9/24/2020 6:31:39 PM
  75. Phase Time Delta: 00:04:46
  76. Completed Successfully? True

  77. Last Setup Operation:
  78. Operation Name: Ensure suspended services are stopped
  79. Operation Started: 9/24/2020 6:31:34 PM
  80. Operation Ended: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
  81. Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00.0000000
  82. Completed Successfully? False

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