How to deal with low virtual memory conditions


John Pullam

I started having problems on my Windows 10 system about 2 weeks ago and find myself rebooting every few days because things are crashing. When I look in the event viewer I see a lot of repeats of warning messages that look like this:

Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: Unpacker.exe (6288) consumed 2462076928 bytes, coldfusion.exe (5876) consumed 607285248 bytes, and BlueIris.exe (5500) consumed 539377664 bytes.

In the same area of the event viewer there are a lot of hard errors of services failing.

I have no idea what unpacker.exe is but I do know about ColdFusion and Blue Iris and they are valid for my system. Is unpacker.exe something that Microsoft runs? I cannot find it on a scans of my C or D drive and when I run Malware Bytes it doesn't bring this up as an issue.

If unpacker is invalid, how do I get rid of it. If it is valid, why is it using up the virtual storage?

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