I think my 12 year old daughter found my little black book and got the password and changed herself as the admin.



So when she went to her dad's house this weekend, I told her to leave the laptop that I bought her for her birthday on May 25, 2019 for pleasure but mostly for school, so I could buy a parental control that really worked and would set it up and she could do her school work on it next week.

She made up the name Robin. Very clever girl. NOT! She told me she was changing her online name to Robin but I didn't think anything bad about it because I thought it was on her Xbox at her dad's house.

I reset the whole computer to manufacturing reset. Then when I tried to reset it back up right, I couldn't because it said my phone number and email was already a member. Hum... So I went ahead and decided fine I will work around it. I want to beat her butt so bad. I will call my ex to handle that.

I noticed she was watching inappropriate YouTube videos from the weekly report sent to me so I went on her computer and snooped...and she is now saying she is gay!!! Which I know is a lie. She has been talking about having four kids and marriage her whole life. She met a boy at the pool a year ago and was all giddy and starry eyed and begged me to give her a phone.

OMG! I don't know when it happened but now I am pissed off so bad I may never get her a cell phone. Then I see she was watching a Trans Lives Matter YouTube of a bunch of black men dancing and half naked and I immediately clicked off....and she was spending way too much time on YouTube so I must block all social media from her so she will study her schoology program. I set her up a YouTube account and put some math and English and some things to look out for going into 6th grade. But she went and got a secret email account and YouTube account and started watching crazy adult content. YouTube can be a great learning tool but it can also pervert a child's brain before it's developed. Now I have a serious situation.

During these last few months, I didn't pay much attention because of the pandemic and I wasn't getting my weekly reports from Microsoft. I realize she is addicted to being online spending over 70 hours a week when I got a report not long ago. If only she would put a fraction of that time into her studies.

I bought two computers exactly the same. She may have gotten my computer and changed the name. I don't know. They are both the same. I ended up giving my computer to my ex for his birthday because I never used it and he told me the screen is messed up with verticle lines so who knows. I learned not to ever buy two computers of the same on the same day. She needs a spanking. When I registered my computers with Microsoft the first time I put in the serial numbers. I am curious if she broke her computer and took mine and then changed my name to Robin. I don't know but would like to find out to see how trustworthy she is.

I was upset with not getting my Microsoft reports and told her I was going to put a paid parent program on her computer for school. And then like magic I get an email with the report and then that's when I knew I better check on my child.

I hope this doesn't happen to other parents out there. I'm not sure what the next step is from here. Not let her back online until she is 16? I don't know but I do knw she will not be going back to YouTube. When she comes back I'm going to get her to sign in and I will put my name back on it and block everything but Apps that's educational. Its confusing how to set up a child protection program. It needs to be more old school1 2 3 steps to set it up. I should have gotten a text saying the name changed.

Just last week I woke up when she came in my room taking my cellphone saying she was turning it off because she couldn't sleep from the noise hen I fell asleep watching Netflix. Now I realize that was a lie. She wanted to either call somebody or delete emails from Microsoft in my gmail or try to change it back to me being the admin. Who know but I won't be looking at her the same way again. So sad. I've caught her going into my phone when I lay it down to rush to do something. So I changed it to 15 seconds. Maybe need to change it to 5 seconds if they offer that. And takeoff my fingerprint. She can hold the phone under my hand if I'm dead tired asleep and get on it.

I posted this as a discussion but I am willing t take advice as long as it's not rude.

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