If "the best driver for this device is already installed" why does message also say "There may be better drivers"?



This standard message is a logical impossibility. If the best driver is installed, there are no better drivers available through Windows Update or the manufacturer's site or anywhere else. If there are better drivers, then the best driver is not already installed. Understanding basic logic like this would seem to me to be a prerequisite for working with computers. The only explanation I can think of is that "the best driver is already installed" is being used in some weird technical way that does not mean what it would seem to mean to a normal person. I have never understood this and have searched every way I can think of for some explanation on line but found nothing.

So what's the story? Does "the best" really not mean "the best one that exists anywhere", but only "the best of the several different drivers for this device that are already on your computer"? If that is the case, the messages should all be updated to say that in so many words. If it means something else, what in the world does it mean?

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