Error: 0xC1900101 - 0x30018 - the installation failed in the first_boot phase with an error during sysprep_specialize on Windows Version 10.0.17134 Bu



Hey there,

Ages ago I put in place something (but I don't remember what I did, possibly something in policy editor amoung other things) to stop Windows 10 Updating my GPU Drivers. Very stupid of me not making a backup beforehand but here we are lesson learned.

But now I believe this caused me much more difficulty than ever. The repeated forced updates and fails are getting way too annoying.

I have gone into the Group Policy Editor and undone all the things I could see that were changed regarding GPU driver updates. But am still getting fails.

I would love not too completely reinstall windows and wipe everything as that is a last resort.

This is the error log below. Any ideas would be wonderful.

I've tried just reinstalling windows through an iso file (and choosing not to lose files, apps, setting), but I get the same error.

I'm currently on Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134

2020/10/12 12:42:32.9610356 2816 8228 Shared * START * Service startup
2020/10/12 12:42:32.9716276 2816 8228 IdleTimer Non-AoAc machine. Aoac operations will be ignored.
2020/10/12 12:42:32.9717228 2816 8228 Agent WU client version 10.0.17134.1345
2020/10/12 12:42:32.9719652 2816 8228 Agent SleepStudyTracker: Machine is non-AOAC. Sleep study tracker disabled.
2020/10/12 12:42:32.9720366 2816 8228 Agent Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
2020/10/12 12:42:32.9725506 2816 8228 Agent Datastore directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb
2020/10/12 12:42:32.9736125 2816 8228 DataStore JetEnableMultiInstance succeeded - applicable param count: 5, applied param count: 5
2020/10/12 12:42:33.0225344 2816 8228 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.
2020/10/12 12:42:33.0226899 2816 8228 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.
2020/10/12 12:42:33.0230887 2816 8228 Shared Network state: Connected
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7708160 2816 8228 Misc *FAILED* [8024000C] LoadHistoryEventFromRegistry completed
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7709574 2816 8228 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv6, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7709663 2816 8228 Shared UpdateNetworkState Ipv4, cNetworkInterfaces = 1.
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7709749 2816 8228 Shared Power status changed
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7723959 2816 8228 Agent Initializing global settings cache
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7723974 2816 8228 Agent WSUS server: (null)
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7723990 2816 8228 Agent WSUS status server: (null)
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7724023 2816 8228 Agent Alternate Download Server: (null)
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7724036 2816 8228 Agent Fill Empty Content Urls: No
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7724051 2816 8228 Agent Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7724064 2816 8228 Agent Windows Update access disabled: No
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7724079 2816 8228 Agent Do not connect to Windows Update Internet locations: No
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7729207 2816 7156 Agent *FAILED* [80240013] m_services.Add()
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7729247 2816 7156 Agent *FAILED* [80240013] Method failed [CAgentServiceManager::CreateServiceObjectAndAddIntoMap:2099]
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7729277 2816 7156 Agent *FAILED* [80240013] Method failed [CAgentServiceManager::DelayedInit:2743]
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7736952 2816 8228 Agent Timer: 29A863E7-8609-4D1E-B7CD-5668F857F1DB, Expires 2020-10-13 10:35:14, not idle-only, not network-only
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7772258 2816 8228 Agent Initializing Windows Update Agent
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7773499 2816 8228 Agent CPersistentTimeoutScheduler | GetTimer, returned hr = 0x00000000
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7817329 2816 564 DownloadManager Received power state change notification: Old: <unknown>; New: AC.
2020/10/12 12:42:33.7817354 2816 564 DownloadManager Power state changed from <unknown> to AC.
2020/10/12 12:42:33.8277368 2816 7156 DataStore Service 51AE00A5-664C-426F-AF82-9B758A6ACA44 added
2020/10/12 12:42:33.8291883 2816 7156 Agent AddTargetedServiceMapping: 51AE00A5-664C-426F-AF82-9B758A6ACA44 -> 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77
2020/10/12 12:42:33.8873680 14616 14744 ComApi * START * SLS Discovery
2020/10/12 12:42:33.8884074 2816 7156 IdleTimer WU operation (CDiscoveryCall::Init ID 1) started; operation # 10; does use network; is not at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:33.8885260 14616 14744 ComApi *QUEUED* SLS Discovery
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9001691 2816 9104 IdleTimer WU operation (CDiscoveryCall::Init ID 1, operation # 10) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9129705 14616 14652 ComApi *RESUMED* Discovery
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9129954 14616 14652 Api * END * Discovery ClientId
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9166295 14616 14744 ComApi * START * SLS Discovery
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9175888 2816 7156 IdleTimer WU operation (CDiscoveryCall::Init ID 2) started; operation # 15; does use network; is not at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9177055 14616 14744 ComApi *QUEUED* SLS Discovery
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9385076 2816 9104 IdleTimer WU operation (CDiscoveryCall::Init ID 2, operation # 15) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9530962 14616 14652 ComApi *RESUMED* Discovery
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9531297 14616 14652 Api * END * Discovery ClientId
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9557084 14616 14744 ComApi * START * Federated Search ClientId = Dynamic Update (cV: FVssMge4hUu65z9v.1.0)
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9567884 2816 7156 IdleTimer WU operation (SR.Dynamic Update ID 3) started; operation # 20; does use network; is not at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9569846 2816 8876 Agent GetTargetedServiceMapping: 51AE00A5-664C-426F-AF82-9B758A6ACA44 -> 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77
2020/10/12 12:42:33.9569904 2816 8876 Agent Processing auto/pending service registrations and recovery.
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0118324 2816 8876 IdleTimer WU operation (SR.Dynamic Update ID 3, operation # 20) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0134151 14616 4080 ComApi Federated Search: Starting search against 2 service(s) (cV = FVssMge4hUu65z9v.1.0)
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0135180 14616 4080 ComApi * START * Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77, Flags: 0X10010 (cV = FVssMge4hUu65z9v.1.0.0)
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0148315 2816 7156 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 4) started; operation # 23; does use network; is not at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0260853 2816 7156 Reporter OS Product Type = 0x00000030
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0391164 2816 7156 Agent * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 4]
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0391250 2816 7156 Agent Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 is not in sequential scan list
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0391300 2816 7156 Agent Added service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 to sequential scan list
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0393415 14616 4080 ComApi * START * Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, ServiceId = 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552, Flags: 0X10010 (cV = FVssMge4hUu65z9v.1.1.0)
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0394074 2816 2252 Agent Service 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 is in sequential scan list
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0402445 2816 6316 Agent * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 4]
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0406473 2816 7156 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 5) started; operation # 26; does use network; is not at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0409793 2816 6316 Agent * START * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 4 (cV = FVssMge4hUu65z9v.
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0409852 2816 6316 Agent Online = Yes; Interactive = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0409879 2816 6316 Agent Criteria = CallerProfile='DU' AND ( CategoryIDs contains 'ebfc1fc5-71a4-4f7b-9aca-3b9a503104a0' AND Type='Driver' ) AND VersionOverride='10.0.19041.2.450.0.16.1'""
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0409916 2816 6316 Agent ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0409929 2816 6316 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0409969 2816 6316 Agent Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-1722609708-1863199541-472232065-1001
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0519212 2816 7156 Agent * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 5]
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0519292 2816 7156 Agent Service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 is not in sequential scan list
2020/10/12 12:42:34.0519338 2816 7156 Agent Added service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 to sequential scan list
2020/10/12 12:42:34.7747848 2816 6316 Misc Got 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 redir Client/Server URL:""
2020/10/12 12:42:34.9301888 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2020/10/12 12:42:34.9301958 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2020/10/12 12:42:34.9302005 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2020/10/12 12:42:34.9302214 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::StartCategoryScan_WithRecovery) started; operation # 27; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:34.9302574 2816 6316 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2020/10/12 12:42:35.6576270 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::StartCategoryScan_WithRecovery, operation # 27) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:35.8883154 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2020/10/12 12:42:35.8885177 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2020/10/12 12:42:35.8885223 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2020/10/12 12:42:37.4226076 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 28; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:37.9654578 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 28) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:37.9686092 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations) started; operation # 29; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:38.1440318 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations, operation # 29) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:38.2262964 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:38.2263001 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:38.2263019 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:38.2263038 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:38.2528474 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 60 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:38.2528517 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker Treating 377 OutOfScope revisionIds as DeployedOutOfScope for version override scan.
2020/10/12 12:42:38.4042175 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:38.4348125 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 30; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:38.6346703 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 30) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:38.6356949 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations) started; operation # 31; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:38.8102749 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations, operation # 31) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:38.8381788 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:38.8381816 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:38.8381856 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:38.8381874 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:38.8610065 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 120 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:38.9547666 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:38.9869276 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 32; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:39.1879529 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 32) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:39.1889892 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations) started; operation # 33; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:39.3632659 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations, operation # 33) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:39.3916524 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:39.3916554 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:39.3916573 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:39.3916591 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:39.4150423 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 180 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:39.4802796 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:39.5140491 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 34; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:39.7159912 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 34) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:39.7170664 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations) started; operation # 35; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:39.8913846 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations, operation # 35) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:39.9231363 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:39.9231393 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:39.9231412 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:39.9231430 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:39.9463679 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 240 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:40.0134973 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:40.0494186 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 36; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:40.2528492 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 36) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:40.2543438 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations) started; operation # 37; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:40.4298501 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations, operation # 37) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:40.4978625 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:40.4978656 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:40.4978674 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:40.4978693 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:40.5746365 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 300 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:40.7045305 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:40.7424332 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 38; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:40.9457514 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 38) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:40.9624775 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:40.9624828 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:40.9624846 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:40.9624868 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:40.9774498 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 360 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:41.0152432 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:41.0754220 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 39; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:41.2764772 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 39) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:41.2779392 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations) started; operation # 40; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:41.4536938 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations, operation # 40) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:41.5148963 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:41.5148994 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:41.5149012 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:41.5149031 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:41.5876492 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 420 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:41.8988039 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:41.9416957 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 41; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:42.1459138 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 41) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:42.1629917 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:42.1629947 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:42.1629966 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:42.1629984 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:42.1787440 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 480 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:42.2188974 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:42.2643171 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 42; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:42.4679546 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 42) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:42.4849450 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:42.4849499 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:42.4849518 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:42.4849539 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:42.5000170 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 540 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:42.5432477 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:42.5901558 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 43; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:42.7924268 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 43) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:42.8092488 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:42.8092518 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:42.8092537 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:42.8092555 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:42.8244985 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 600 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:42.8672225 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:42.9157890 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 44; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:43.1180382 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 44) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:43.1183478 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations) started; operation # 45; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:43.2933226 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExternalCabFileLocations, operation # 45) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:43.3149424 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:43.3149454 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:43.3149470 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:43.3149488 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:43.3193297 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 611 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:43.3566300 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:43.4030947 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 46; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:43.6036809 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 46) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:43.6073894 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:43.6524109 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker Skipping driver sync because it's not supported.
2020/10/12 12:42:43.6524134 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates round trips: 12
2020/10/12 12:42:43.6691139 2816 6316 Agent Update deferred by policy: 51600DB3-61BE-4C2D-B589-3CBA0BAFEE17.203
2020/10/12 12:42:44.2635635 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
2020/10/12 12:42:44.2635669 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2020/10/12 12:42:44.2635712 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2020/10/12 12:42:44.2635887 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExtendedUpdateInfo_WithRecovery) started; operation # 47; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:44.4472264 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::GetExtendedUpdateInfo_WithRecovery, operation # 47) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:44.4631374 2816 6316 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:44.4631407 2816 6316 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:44.4631426 2816 6316 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:44.4631444 2816 6316 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:44.4688576 2816 6316 ProtocolTalker SyncExtendedUpdateInfo - 0 bad out of 663 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5292985 2816 6316 Agent Found 0 updates and 1 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 1476 out of 1611 deployed entities
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5330052 2816 6316 Agent * END * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update, Id = 4, Exit code = 0x00000000 (cV = FVssMge4hUu65z9v.
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5359044 2816 6316 IdleTimer WU operation (CSearchCall::Init ID 4, operation # 23) stopped; does use network; is not at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5362885 2816 2252 Agent Service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 is in sequential scan list
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5371388 2816 11596 Agent * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 5]
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5377298 2816 11596 Agent * START * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 5 (cV = FVssMge4hUu65z9v.
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5377335 2816 11596 Agent Online = Yes; Interactive = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5377365 2816 11596 Agent Criteria = CallerProfile='DU' AND ( CategoryIDs contains 'ebfc1fc5-71a4-4f7b-9aca-3b9a503104a0' AND Type='Driver' ) AND VersionOverride='10.0.19041.2.450.0.16.1'""
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5377402 2816 11596 Agent ServiceID = {8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552} Third party service
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5377415 2816 11596 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5377458 2816 11596 Agent Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-21-1722609708-1863199541-472232065-1001
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5396971 14616 14652 ComApi *RESUMED* Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 (cV = FVssMge4hUu65z9v.1.0.0)
2020/10/12 12:42:44.5416376 14616 14652 ComApi * END * Search ClientId = Dynamic Update, Updates found = 0, ServiceId = 9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77 (cV = FVssMge4hUu65z9v.1.0.0)
2020/10/12 12:42:44.7177966 2816 11596 Misc Got 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 redir Client/Server URL:""
2020/10/12 12:42:44.7207454 2816 11596 Misc Token Requested with 0 category IDs.
2020/10/12 12:42:44.7731202 2816 11596 Misc Acquired new token from Server
2020/10/12 12:42:44.7732179 2816 11596 Misc Got service 8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552 plugin Client/Server auth token of type 0x00000001
2020/10/12 12:42:44.9456525 2816 11596 Driver Skipping printer driver 6 due to incomplete info or mismatched environment - HWID[microsoftmicrosoft_musd] Provider[Microsoft] MfgName[Microsoft] Name[Microsoft enhanced Point and Print compatibility driver] pEnvironment[Windows NT x86] LocalPrintServerEnv[Windows x64]
2020/10/12 12:42:45.2973320 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552}, Server URL =
2020/10/12 12:42:45.2973345 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2020/10/12 12:42:45.2973391 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2020/10/12 12:42:45.2973545 2816 11596 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::StartCategoryScan_WithRecovery) started; operation # 48; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:45.2973841 2816 11596 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2020/10/12 12:42:46.3527512 2816 11596 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::StartCategoryScan_WithRecovery, operation # 48) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8486994 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {8B24B027-1DEE-BABB-9A95-3517DFB9C552}, Server URL =
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8492044 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8492097 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8495306 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker DeviceAttributes[URI]: E:FlightRing=Retail&TelemetryLevel=1&HidOverGattReg=C%3A%5CWindows%5CSystem32%5CDriverStore%5CFileRepository%5Chidbthle.inf_amd64_467f181075371c89%5CMicrosoft.Bluetooth.Profiles.HidOverGatt.dll&AppVer=10.0.17134.1345&ProcessorIdentifier=Intel64%20Family%206%20Model%2044%20Stepping%202&DataVer_RS5=2387&OEMModel=MacPro5%2C1&UpdateOfferedDays=0&ProcessorManufacturer=GenuineIntel&InstallDate=1563260134&BranchReadinessLevel=CBB&DataExpDateEpoch_20H1=1604102400&GStatus_RS5=2&TimestampEpochString_19H1=1602499311&OSRollbackCount=5&IsCloudDomainJoined=0&Bios=Unknown&Version_RS5=12&DeferFeatureUpdatePeriodInDays=365&OSRollbackBuild=10.0.18362.1073&IsDeviceRetailDemo=0&FlightingBranchName=&DchuNvidiaGrfxExists=1&OSUILocale=en-US&DeviceFamily=Windows.Desktop&UpgEx_20H1=Green&WuClientVer=10.0.17134.1345&IsFlightingEnabled=0&OSSkuId=48&GStatus_20H1=2&TimestampDelta_19H1Subtract19H1Setup=610586&App=WU&CurrentBranch=rs4_release&InstallLanguage=en-US&DeferQualityUpdatePeriodInDa
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8495497 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker ProductAttributes: (null) | CallerAttributes: E:Interactive=1&Profile=DU&OSVersionOverride=10.0.19041.2.450.0.16.1&SheddingAware=1&Id=Dynamic%20Update& | CurrentVersionOnly: No
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8497237 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 20C86252-EA52-437B-AE96-BF79CDA4A639.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8497437 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update C74E3854-87C8-448A-91AC-31A153DEAE6E.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8497693 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update B6B2006C-8A9A-45E6-A802-DE53C5A6EAEE.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8498007 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update A9C05B7D-CA28-489C-9B3B-F3FEFFE932C3.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8498315 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 79BFBB87-AE9D-480D-9F6F-5C82361E015D.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8498666 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 6FB70691-9404-46BE-9ADF-EDC76948353D.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8498946 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update AC2B20AB-6186-4267-8D55-4B3CA35197D1.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8499229 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update F0D3CCB9-6371-48A0-AE2E-8679485A4EE3.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8499750 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update E7F5C4E9-B130-47FF-9CB7-BC48544EA82B.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8499925 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 94476FEA-3259-4450-941D-AA7B36CB92DD.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.8500119 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update E9D7DCF3-926E-471A-8D35-C0D4EA197451.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:48.9232139 2816 11596 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 49; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1883443 2816 11596 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 49) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1885759 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 20C86252-EA52-437B-AE96-BF79CDA4A639.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1885963 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update C74E3854-87C8-448A-91AC-31A153DEAE6E.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1886218 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update B6B2006C-8A9A-45E6-A802-DE53C5A6EAEE.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1886545 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update A9C05B7D-CA28-489C-9B3B-F3FEFFE932C3.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1886859 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 79BFBB87-AE9D-480D-9F6F-5C82361E015D.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1887238 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 6FB70691-9404-46BE-9ADF-EDC76948353D.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1887524 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update AC2B20AB-6186-4267-8D55-4B3CA35197D1.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1887817 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update F0D3CCB9-6371-48A0-AE2E-8679485A4EE3.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1888343 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update E7F5C4E9-B130-47FF-9CB7-BC48544EA82B.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1888509 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 94476FEA-3259-4450-941D-AA7B36CB92DD.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1888700 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update E9D7DCF3-926E-471A-8D35-C0D4EA197451.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:49.1948560 2816 11596 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover) started; operation # 50; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:50.3659018 2816 11596 IdleTimer WU operation (CAgentProtocolTalker::SyncUpdates_WithRecover, operation # 50) stopped; does use network; is at background priority
2020/10/12 12:42:50.3925621 2816 11596 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:50.3925652 2816 11596 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:50.3925689 2816 11596 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:50.3925707 2816 11596 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:50.3944952 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 1 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:52.9514633 2816 11596 Metadata Enforcement Mode: Unknown => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:52.9514664 2816 11596 Metadata Raw Enforcement Mode: (null) => Enforce
2020/10/12 12:42:52.9514682 2816 11596 Metadata TimestampToken Validity: 0 => 90 (days)
2020/10/12 12:42:52.9514701 2816 11596 Metadata Using mode: Enforce, validity: 90
2020/10/12 12:42:52.9521020 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates - 0 bad out of 3 metadata signatures checked using Enforce enforcement mode (raw mode: Enforce).
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5332685 2816 11596 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates round trips: 2
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5348487 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 20C86252-EA52-437B-AE96-BF79CDA4A639.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5348715 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update C74E3854-87C8-448A-91AC-31A153DEAE6E.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5348998 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update B6B2006C-8A9A-45E6-A802-DE53C5A6EAEE.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5349337 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update A9C05B7D-CA28-489C-9B3B-F3FEFFE932C3.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5349688 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 79BFBB87-AE9D-480D-9F6F-5C82361E015D.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5350098 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 6FB70691-9404-46BE-9ADF-EDC76948353D.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5350412 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update AC2B20AB-6186-4267-8D55-4B3CA35197D1.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5350720 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update F0D3CCB9-6371-48A0-AE2E-8679485A4EE3.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5351265 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update E7F5C4E9-B130-47FF-9CB7-BC48544EA82B.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.
2020/10/12 12:42:55.5351450 2816 11596 Agent Service supports deferral, but still sends down deferred update 94476FEA-3259-4450-941D-AA7B36CB92DD.1 unexpectedly. Update is not deferred anymore.

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