unpair Microsoft Surface Mobile Mouse from a dead computer


Valor Darkblade


I am trying to pair my Surface Mobile Mouse to my new Windows 10 computer. It has Bluetooth 4 and the Computer sees the mouse when I try to pair it, but as soon as I click the "Add a Device>Surface Mobile Mouse" button it says "Try connecting your device again" and the mouse Bluetooth connect blink stops.

I believe this means it cannot paired because the mouse is still paired to my previous computer, which is completely dead. A sudden, traumatic death which wiped the c-drive, etc, so no way to actually unpair the mouse from that computer. There are no hidden buttons to reset the mouse, only the power/connect button.

Is there a way to unpair the mouse, from the mouse?

I have tried to pair it a dozen times on different days. I tried taking the batteries out for 30 minutes to see if it might lose the pairing, no go. I love this mouse, it was not cheap, what can I do?

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