Windows Update Ate My Computer. Can't boot, restore, safemode, reset, or unupdate. Can command prompt. Please help.


3-Wheel DriveEly

Yesterday, my 32-bit, Windows Home Premium decided to update. I saw it when it had the whirling dots and a message that it was 42% done. I let it run all day. It never got past 42. I powered it off and restarted it. Now it only boots to Windows PE, and I can only run the command prompt. Here's what I tried and what happens:

Reset: There was a problem resetting your PC...

Startup Repair: Startup Repair couldn't repair your PC

Startup Settings: 4 Safe Mode, Preparing Automatic Repair, Your PC did not start correctly. (Also tried turning off driver enforcement and early-launch anti-malware. Same results.)

Uninstall Updates: Quality & Features... We ran into a problem...

System Restore: There are 2 restore points. Neither can be selected because Status is You must enable system protection on this drive.

Command Prompt: It's the only thing that works and I tried some things with it to no success...

chkdsk /f/r/x: Completes without finding any errors, but says "failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 50" I checked with diskpart, drive is not read only.

sfc /scannow: Verification 100% complete. Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.

I tried starting system restore from the command prompt after restarting VSS shadow services like...

net stop vss

net start vss

Then renaming "software" and "system" files in c:\windows\system32\config and starting restore like...

rstrui /offline:c:\windows=active

The above actually grinded on the disk "Restoring files..." for a good long time and finally said it couldn't do it. I was really hopeful.

I can:

navigate drive C

copy from the console to a text file

delete & type files

Drive C: looks good, everything seems to be there.

I'm a a loss. Does anyone know any logs I could look in to see what's failing? Any other suggestions?

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