Quicktime problems with Firefox and Win98


* * Chas

I have a very stable fully updated Win98 system that I've been running
since 1999. Several years ago I had to update IE from 5.5 to 6 to access
some online services that I use.

IE 5.5 worked perfect for years. IE6 had a bunch of annoying little
glitches such as printing problems so I installed Firefox and it's worked
great for several years.

After one of the frequent Firefox updates I now get a QuickTime broken
link icon for most videos in Firefox: YouTube for example plus the startup
and instructional videos in many web sites. I'm running Firefox

I've reinstalled QuickTime and all of the Adobe Flash & Shockwave updates
still no joy.

QuickTime and Flash videos work fine in IE6.



"* * Chas" <verktygjunk@aol.spamski.com (remove spamski to
e-mail me)> wrote in

> I have a very stable fully updated Win98 system that I've
> been running since 1999. Several years ago I had to update
> IE from 5.5 to 6 to access some online services that I use.
> IE 5.5 worked perfect for years. IE6 had a bunch of
> annoying little glitches such as printing problems so I
> installed Firefox and it's worked great for several years.
> After one of the frequent Firefox updates I now get a
> QuickTime broken link icon for most videos in Firefox:
> YouTube for example plus the startup and instructional
> videos in many web sites. I'm running Firefox
> I've reinstalled QuickTime and all of the Adobe Flash &
> Shockwave updates still no joy.
> QuickTime and Flash videos work fine in IE6.
> Chas.

FWIW, I think FF is just IE that's "not IE". Most overrated
software around. Try Opera. 7.x should work very well on 98SE.


The only cure for stupidity is death.
The only cure for brilliance is death.
The only cure for love is death.
{© 2007 thanatoid}

Nigel Stapley

* * Chas wrote:
> I have a very stable fully updated Win98 system that I've been running
> since 1999. Several years ago I had to update IE from 5.5 to 6 to access
> some online services that I use.
> IE 5.5 worked perfect for years. IE6 had a bunch of annoying little
> glitches such as printing problems so I installed Firefox and it's worked
> great for several years.
> After one of the frequent Firefox updates I now get a QuickTime broken
> link icon for most videos in Firefox: YouTube for example plus the startup
> and instructional videos in many web sites. I'm running Firefox
> I've reinstalled QuickTime and all of the Adobe Flash & Shockwave updates
> still no joy.
> QuickTime and Flash videos work fine in IE6.

Suggest you go to alt.fan.mozilla - they nay have seen this before.



Nigel Stapley


<reply-to will bounce>


On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 06:22:26 GMT, "* * Chas"
<verktygjunk@aol.spamski.com (remove spamski to e-mail me)> wrote:

>I have a very stable fully updated Win98 system that I've been running
>since 1999. Several years ago I had to update IE from 5.5 to 6 to access
>some online services that I use.
>IE 5.5 worked perfect for years. IE6 had a bunch of annoying little
>glitches such as printing problems so I installed Firefox and it's worked
>great for several years.
>After one of the frequent Firefox updates I now get a QuickTime broken
>link icon for most videos in Firefox: YouTube for example plus the startup
>and instructional videos in many web sites. I'm running Firefox

You mean Thats the latest. There is no version 3.xxxxx

>I've reinstalled QuickTime and all of the Adobe Flash & Shockwave updates
>still no joy.
>QuickTime and Flash videos work fine in IE6.

Youtube videos are in .FLV format, but use Flash Player when running
in any browser. I have IE, Firefox, and Opera installed. youtube
videos play fine in all of them as long as I remember to disable my
flash blocker (which is normally enabled because of all the flash
advertising on sites these days).

I hate to tell you this, but I will not allow QuickTime anywhere near
my computer. I had it installed several years ago, and it did nothing
but cause me problems. It's been quite awhile since I removed it, but
if I recall, it caused me problems with flash content. I suggest
removing it completely. For the record, using the uninstaller in
ADD/REMOVE programs does not remove all of it. You have to manually
remove the folder, then remove several DLL and EXE files in
Windows/System. If you dont, everytime you click on a .MOV file
online, Quicktime tries to reinstall itself. This may be a bit of an
exaggeration, but I view Quicktime as a virus of sorts. After you
remove the files, clean your registry to remove all the Quicktime
garbage left behind.

I lost nothing by removing it, except the ability to play a few .MOV
files I had saved on my drive. I keep them because I know someday
I'll find some freeware converter to convert them to another format.
Otherwise, removing Quicktime was one of the best things I ever did
for this computer.

I highly recommend removing Quicktime.
You might also want to totally remove Firefox and start over with it.
But make note, the program files/firefox folder is not the only place
it's stored. All your settings are in a folder, which on my computer
is called
C:\Windows\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles (with several sub
folders after that.)
You have to remove all of that too, but you'll lose all your settings,
and addons, and your bookmarks are somewhere in there too
(you can backup your bookmarks...... someone else on here can explain
how, I rarely use bookmarks, and when I do, I open the page in IE and
save the bookmarks as IE bookmarks. Otherwise I got 3 bookmark files
and that can become chaos).

By the way, I still use IE 5.5. I've heard that 6.0 is troublesome,
and I rarely use it anyhow. I like both Firefox and Opera. Firefox
has the ability to save youtube videos if you download the addon
called downloadhelper. Opera has other features I like. IE sucks in
most cases, but there are times certain web pages work best in IE. If
a page dont work right in one broswer, I try another.



Dear Ford Motor Company
After Years I got a flat tire so bought a Chev
My Chev does not work how do I fix it

-- -- -- -- --
Adaware http://www.lavasoft.de
spybot http://www.safer-networking.org
AVG free antivirus http://free.grisoft.com/
Etrust/Vet/CA.online Antivirus scan
Super Antispyware http://www.superantispyware.com/
Panda online AntiVirus scan http://www.activescan.com
Panda online AntiSpyware Scan
Catalog of removal tools (1)
Catalog of removal tools (2)
Trouble Shooting guide to Windows http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/
Blocking Unwanted Parasites with a Hosts file
links provided as a courtesy, read all instructions on the pages before
Grateful thanks to the authors/webmasters
"* * Chas" <verktygjunk@aol.spamski.com (remove spamski to e-mail me)> wrote
in message
> I have a very stable fully updated Win98 system that I've been running
> since 1999. Several years ago I had to update IE from 5.5 to 6 to access
> some online services that I use.
> IE 5.5 worked perfect for years. IE6 had a bunch of annoying little
> glitches such as printing problems so I installed Firefox and it's worked
> great for several years.
> After one of the frequent Firefox updates I now get a QuickTime broken
> link icon for most videos in Firefox: YouTube for example plus the startup
> and instructional videos in many web sites. I'm running Firefox
> I've reinstalled QuickTime and all of the Adobe Flash & Shockwave updates
> still no joy.
> QuickTime and Flash videos work fine in IE6.
> Chas.

Bob Harris

Save you Firefox bookmarks.

Try uninstalling Firefox, as well as QuickTime and Flash.


Erase any directories with names like Mozilla or Firefox or Quicktime or
Flash. (Flash be under Adobe these days, but do not erase all Adobe, since
you probably want to keep Acrobat Reader.)

Re-install Firefox and confirm that it works. Copy bookmarks back, or let
Firefox import favorties from IE6, if that is sufficient.

Then, install QuickTime, confirm working, then Flash.

In Firefox, under tools, options, advanced, update tab, click to check for
updates not only to Firefox but also to add-ons. Further, check the box to
inform you of updates, but NOT to automatically install them. Whenever an
update is available, wait a day or so before installing. On rare occassions
updates can cause problems. Thus is more a problem with updates from
Microsoft (I just got burned last month by KB942615 messed up IE6, but not
Firefox.) I have found that doing a web search about the update and the
word problem might help you avoid some "gotcha's". (e.g., search on Firefox problem) However, in this case I doubt that a web search would have
found anything. I just did one and nothing obvious floated to the top.
Thus, your problem is more likely isolated to your PC.

Let Firefox sit for 5 to 10 minutes and see whether it automatically detects
any additonal updates.

"* * Chas" <verktygjunk@aol.spamski.com (remove spamski to e-mail me)> wrote
in message
>I have a very stable fully updated Win98 system that I've been running
> since 1999. Several years ago I had to update IE from 5.5 to 6 to access
> some online services that I use.
> IE 5.5 worked perfect for years. IE6 had a bunch of annoying little
> glitches such as printing problems so I installed Firefox and it's worked
> great for several years.
> After one of the frequent Firefox updates I now get a QuickTime broken
> link icon for most videos in Firefox: YouTube for example plus the startup
> and instructional videos in many web sites. I'm running Firefox
> I've reinstalled QuickTime and all of the Adobe Flash & Shockwave updates
> still no joy.
> QuickTime and Flash videos work fine in IE6.
> Chas.

* * Chas

"AlmostBob" <anonymous1@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Dear Ford Motor Company
> After Years I got a flat tire so bought a Chev
> My Chev does not work how do I fix it

Dear AlmostBob,

Thank you for your gracious effort to help me solve my problem.

My Ford 5.5 worked great for several years but I couldn't drive it to
several destinations that I need to go to. I got a new Ford 6.0 with all
of the factory recalls updated. I had problems with my new Ford 6.0 - for
instance I can't get it to stay on the road when I try to print from a web
site - it cuts of the left side of the page and so on.

I finally broke down got a Chevy which would go anywhere I needed. When it
started having problems I tried all of the shops in town but no one could
figure out how to fix it. So in desperation I decided to contact someone
in Dearborn for help.


* * Chas

Re: Quicktime problems with Firefox and Win98 - Solution

"* * Chas" <verktygjunk@aol.spamski.com (remove spamski to e-mail me)>
wrote in message
> I have a very stable fully updated Win98 system that I've been running
> since 1999. Several years ago I had to update IE from 5.5 to 6 to access
> some online services that I use.
> IE 5.5 worked perfect for years. IE6 had a bunch of annoying little
> glitches such as printing problems so I installed Firefox and it's

> great for several years.
> After one of the frequent Firefox updates I now get a QuickTime broken
> link icon for most videos in Firefox: YouTube for example plus the

> and instructional videos in many web sites. I'm running Firefox
> I've reinstalled QuickTime and all of the Adobe Flash & Shockwave

> still no joy.
> QuickTime and Flash videos work fine in IE6.
> Chas.

I found a number of postings on the web by people having the same problem
as me. There were a few suggestions but no cures.

I had read on a Mozilla site that after 2006 they were no longer going to
support Win98/ME.

After trying to print some info from a web page in IE 6.0 I went to the
site with Firefox 2.0.011 and got the QuickTime broken link icons again. I
looked at the properties and saw that it was a Flash animation that wasn't
loading so I went to the Adobe Flash DL site and got the latest version of
Flash Player and installed it. It was just released at the
beginning of this month.

Voilà - it fixed the problem.

For some reason Flash didn't get updated in IE 6.0 but I was able to
install the update with FF.

I do a lot of technical research on the web and a lot of websites are
including animated graphics and/or videos in their information. Here's the
site I was having problems with in FF:


Thanks for all of your suggestions.



George, you said:

> By the way, I still use IE 5.5. I've heard that 6.0 is troublesome,
> and I rarely use it anyhow.

Ran across a 'fix' on this forum a little while back. It has worked
wonderfully for me (I too had problems with IE6, couldn't stand it and
thought M$ could have done a better job with it).

What I did was place IE 5.5 files:
into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory

Then place IE6 files:
into \Program Files\Internet Explorer directory

Voila! No more Explorer stalls, no more IE hangs, etc
Oh BTW, I thought your post describing QuickTime was funny. I thought of
it as sort of a virus too until I setup its preferences the way I wanted
AND got rid of their Windows startup entries! Now it works fine.
<georget@unlisted.com> wrote in message
> On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 06:22:26 GMT, "* * Chas"
> <verktygjunk@aol.spamski.com (remove spamski to e-mail me)> wrote:
>>I have a very stable fully updated Win98 system that I've been running
>>since 1999. Several years ago I had to update IE from 5.5 to 6 to
>>some online services that I use.
>>IE 5.5 worked perfect for years. IE6 had a bunch of annoying little
>>glitches such as printing problems so I installed Firefox and it's
>>great for several years.
>>After one of the frequent Firefox updates I now get a QuickTime broken
>>link icon for most videos in Firefox: YouTube for example plus the
>>and instructional videos in many web sites. I'm running Firefox

> You mean Thats the latest. There is no version 3.xxxxx
> yet.
>>I've reinstalled QuickTime and all of the Adobe Flash & Shockwave
>>still no joy.
>>QuickTime and Flash videos work fine in IE6.

> Youtube videos are in .FLV format, but use Flash Player when running
> in any browser. I have IE, Firefox, and Opera installed. youtube
> videos play fine in all of them as long as I remember to disable my
> flash blocker (which is normally enabled because of all the flash
> advertising on sites these days).
> I hate to tell you this, but I will not allow QuickTime anywhere near
> my computer. I had it installed several years ago, and it did nothing
> but cause me problems. It's been quite awhile since I removed it, but
> if I recall, it caused me problems with flash content. I suggest
> removing it completely. For the record, using the uninstaller in
> ADD/REMOVE programs does not remove all of it. You have to manually
> remove the folder, then remove several DLL and EXE files in
> Windows/System. If you dont, everytime you click on a .MOV file
> online, Quicktime tries to reinstall itself. This may be a bit of an
> exaggeration, but I view Quicktime as a virus of sorts. After you
> remove the files, clean your registry to remove all the Quicktime
> garbage left behind.
> I lost nothing by removing it, except the ability to play a few .MOV
> files I had saved on my drive. I keep them because I know someday
> I'll find some freeware converter to convert them to another format.
> Otherwise, removing Quicktime was one of the best things I ever did
> for this computer.
> I highly recommend removing Quicktime.
> You might also want to totally remove Firefox and start over with it.
> But make note, the program files/firefox folder is not the only place
> it's stored. All your settings are in a folder, which on my computer
> is called
> C:\Windows\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles (with several sub
> folders after that.)
> You have to remove all of that too, but you'll lose all your settings,
> and addons, and your bookmarks are somewhere in there too
> (you can backup your bookmarks...... someone else on here can explain
> how, I rarely use bookmarks, and when I do, I open the page in IE and
> save the bookmarks as IE bookmarks. Otherwise I got 3 bookmark files
> and that can become chaos).
> By the way, I still use IE 5.5. I've heard that 6.0 is troublesome,
> and I rarely use it anyhow. I like both Firefox and Opera. Firefox
> has the ability to save youtube videos if you download the addon
> called downloadhelper. Opera has other features I like. IE sucks in
> most cases, but there are times certain web pages work best in IE. If
> a page dont work right in one broswer, I try another.
> George

Gary S. Terhune

What makes you think that anyone in Dearborn would have an answer for a
Chevy question?

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"* * Chas" <verktygjunk@aol.spamski.com> wrote in message
> "AlmostBob" <anonymous1@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:OuqQTavQIHA.5524@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Dear Ford Motor Company
>> After Years I got a flat tire so bought a Chev
>> My Chev does not work how do I fix it

> Dear AlmostBob,
> Thank you for your gracious effort to help me solve my problem.
> My Ford 5.5 worked great for several years but I couldn't drive it to
> several destinations that I need to go to. I got a new Ford 6.0 with all
> of the factory recalls updated. I had problems with my new Ford 6.0 - for
> instance I can't get it to stay on the road when I try to print from a web
> site - it cuts of the left side of the page and so on.
> I finally broke down got a Chevy which would go anywhere I needed. When it
> started having problems I tried all of the shops in town but no one could
> figure out how to fix it. So in desperation I decided to contact someone
> in Dearborn for help.
> Chas.

* * Chas

"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> What makes you think that anyone in Dearborn would have an answer for a
> Chevy question?
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> www.grystmill.com

Because that's Ford's headquarters....


Gary S. Terhune

Your overreaching attempts at sarcasm aside, your problem isn't with Ford
*or* Chevy, it's with the after-market gadget you added on. Don't ask me
where it resides. I do my best to keep it off my machines, despite my users
constant ignoring of my dire warnings.

Have you actually asked about the issue you have with IE6 that cuts off the
left side of the page? I've heard of the issue and believe there is a
solution. Place to go to find it is

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"* * Chas" <verktygjunk@aol.spamski.com> wrote in message
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:u9XDeZ2QIHA.3400@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
>> What makes you think that anyone in Dearborn would have an answer for a
>> Chevy question?
>> --
>> Gary S. Terhune
>> MS-MVP Shell/User
>> www.grystmill.com

> Because that's Ford's headquarters....
> Chas.
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