"Inaccessible boot device" BSOD after October update



I would consider myself a somewhat experienced PC user but don't know how to get this fixed. Hope there is an expert here who can help.

  • I shut down my PC (Win 10 64bit. Build 19041) three days ago - Windows insisted on installing updates before shutdown. Fine.
  • I boot the PC the next morning - doesn't work, I get the "Inaccessible boot device" BSOD.
    I learn that this is due to a mess-up in the October updates that were pushed out (Microsoft's fault)
  • I run WinPE from the recovery USB.
    • Strangely, the repair console claims there are no restore points on the system, so I can't easily go back to a previous version.
      I know they must have been there before the update, as I created one manually just days ago.
    • I am able to uninstall the recent update through the repair options, after which the machine boots again and presents a login screen. However, I cannot actually log in (no input accepted from my keyboard, for some reason) and Windows forces another update whilst in the login screen.
    • Reboot - the BSOD problem is back, but now I can now no longer uninstall any updates from the WinPE repair options.
  • The physical disks are fine. CHKDSK /f / r shows no problems. I clone my system drive to an identical disk, to have a backup. I can slave this up to another computer and access everything.
    Then I go trying to repair this mess manually. This is what I tried so far:
  • sfc /scannow won't run out of the box, however with pending.xml temporarily removed from the WinSxS folder it runs with the offboot options and shows no problems (However, having to remove the pending.xml reinforces my perception that this problem is due to the updates having gone wrong)
  • I use dism to look at the packages that are pending: There are two "Package_for_RollupFix..." packages at the end of the list (In their names, one ends with "1.7" and the other, later one with "1.8")
  • I try to remove them with dism, using the remove-package option. Fails with error code 0x800f082f.
  • I investigate further and manage to find the instructions issued by Microsoft to fix the problem on the Web - a new hope:
    Workaround to fix 'Inaccessible Boot Device' BSOD error in Windows 10
    I follow the instructions and find that the key to getting the faulty pending packages removed is to do a suggested registry tweak beforehand
  • After implementing the fix above, I try again to remove the pending packages, starting with the most recent:
    It actually works with the 1.8 package - dism does remove the package. YES!!!
  • I try the same with the other pending update (1.7), but it doesn't work. Fails with error code 0x800f0905.
    In the dism log, this code refers to something called "CBS_E_NO_ACTIVE_EDITION".
  • I don't know what the error means and how to address it. Please help me out here.

    I am hoping there might be another registry modification that could do the trick, but I don't know which.
    I do note that while the status is "pending", the package now has an install date, which is the date when I tried to remove it.
    Resetting the system is not really an option, as I need to avoid losing all installed programs. (If anyone had good suggestions on how to get the programs back from the cloned drive after a PC reset - that may be a viable alternative! Perhaps if I copy over certain files and folders?)

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