"Slide to shutdown" appears when I open the laptop lid, won't go away and laptop shuts down


Fran Rower

Hi everyone,

This problem has been frustrating me for a while, as I keep losing work over and over again because of this problem :(

So the issue is that every time after I close the lid and open it back again, the 'Slide to Shutdown' screen appears, and whether I slide up, down, sideways, or do nothing, the laptop ends up shutting down anyway. This happens both when I open the lid while the laptop is in sleep mode and when I open it while the laptop is awake (see pictures below). It also happens occasionally while I'm working on the laptop and the lid moves a bit.

I have tried a number of workarounds to no avail:

1. Disable 'Slide to shutdown': There are a bunch of 'solutions' on the web that instruct you to run control panel->troubleshooting->improve power usage, and it supposedly should do the trick. This does not work.

2. Find an option to disable the 'Slide to shutdown' script: This either doesn't exist or I have not come across that.

3. Disable the lid switch in BIOS: I disabled the lid switch and yet this problem still persists.

4. Set 'close lid', 'power/sleep button' actions to 'do nothing': The problem still persists after I do this.

5. Disabled touchscreen: This does not help either.

6. Every possible combination of the above: Still nothing.

I hope some of you can provide some useful pointers to hopefully sort this issue :)

Photos to describe what happens:

1. Laptop working all well


2. I close the lid


3. I open it back again


4. Everything seems okay...


5. Then 'slide to shutdown' appears. Whether I slide up, down, sideways (tried with touchscreen and mouse), or do nothing at all, it still shuts down.


6. A dead laptop


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