Friend was sent a fishy email by a bingbot


Peyton Richie


I'm Peyton Richie, a 16 year old whos a techy nerd, and at my school is well known for dealing with people who try to phish fellow students or teachers. Yesterday, 10/23 My principal received an email from the email *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and was sent a phishing email about a sign in failure and told him to reset his password. Which we can only assume was a scam to get sign in info or an IP. In retaliation I countered them by sending another phishing email, which was clicked within seconds. When I check the IP address of the person who clicked the email, I am told that It is a Microsoft BingBot located in the exact location of Microsoft Headquarters. I'm curious if A. you can help me get to the bottom of this and shut them down. And B. figure out if it was by any chance a situation where someone hijacked a BingBot and is using it to scam people.

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