No "Buy" or "Free" buttons in Store suddenly



I went to grab a couple free games and the MS Store has no buttons to "purchase" them any longer. Yes I am logged in and no this is not a problem with the MS Store App as I first tried to get the game through my browser and there is no buttons there either. There also is no longer the "System Requirements" showing on the pages like there was yesterday and half of the content on all of the game pages is no longer showing (creator, size, links to legal, etc at the very bottom). When accessing the pages from the browser it no longer shows the menu bar at the top that has always been there that included my username and such. No add-ons are blocking anything as this is happening in the latest version of Firefox and Edge and again, the MS Store App as well (although the app does show I am logged in)

This started today as yesterday the buttons where still there. The store is letting me download updates to programs installed but it won't let me get anything new.

This is not unique to my computer currently. I asked a friend to check this out who uses Windows 10 as well and they have the exact same thing happening. We are on different computer models and completely different internet services so nothing related there.

Any ideas how to get the pages to show correctly again? I'm coming up on the end of my internet month (I'm on metered bandwidth with a tiny limit) and I had extra bandwidth this month and wanted to use some of it downloading a few games I wanted so I'm on a bit of a time limit with this....

Also want to add I am up to date on Windows (minus the 2004 feature update) and the browsers and Store app are all up to date as well. Again this was not a problem yesterday, this started today and there have been no changes to my end.

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