Very Frustrated. Keyboards Will not work on XP System, yet work on same system with other XP System. Num Light remains Lit. HELP



Hi. I had a disk crash some years ago and I was forced to venture into the world of Windows 8/10 on new machine. Took some tome to try to get my old system going again and managed to restore some System32 Config Drivers that appeared to be preventing the system from booting. Was delighted.
System came up but Keyboard did not work. Num Lights come on and stay on, but Keyboard will not respond.

When I take another XP system hard drive and install it on the same machine.. keyboard works fine. So its clearly the Windows install.

When system had crashed I attempted to rebuild the drive onto another, smaller drive.. using the origtinal disks...and applying SP3 updates, to create a vanilla system. That system seems to work fine. But the original system (also SP3) fails to bring the keyboard up.

I tried copying the keyboard drivers from one machine to the other. They are the same timestamp and size.. but same results.

I tried delting the upper and lower limits from the registry, as I read somewhere. Nothing.

Is ther anyway I can copy the registry from the one drive to the other to fix things? What is wrong?

This is very frustrating. I now use the OnScreen Keyboard, which is very time consuming to use.. but better than the alternative. Prior I was writing text files with commands and key words onto a flash drive and copying the words from the flash drive onto the frozen system.. in order to simulate being able to enter basic commands (like WiFi password). While this is an improvement I would like to be able to use my keyboard again.

Would appreciate your insights. Am sure someone else has experienced and overcome this problem.

Thank you,

Steve Millman

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