Custom PC doesn't always wake up or boot correctly



Hello. A few weeks ago I bought a custom built PC from my coworker that he had been using for work for the last few years. I've run into a couple issues that, as far as I know, didn't exist when he owned it.

First of all, when I wake it up from sleep the fans turn on and the GPU lights up but the display never shows up. The lights on my mouse light up if I click but the keyboard lights never turn on. I've tried unplugging the monitor's power and video cables but that doesn't fix it. Ultimately I have to do a hard reset which leads into the second problem.

When I turn the PC back on the display shows up and the BIOS boots. When it gets to the Windows logo it hangs and the spinning dots don't show up. I have to do another hard reset then on the next boot everything works fine and I can use the PC normally. This happens regardless of whether I put it to sleep or shut it down properly. It;s pretty consistent and seems like every other boot fails.

My coworker performed a reset before he gave it to me and I did another one a week ago to see if it would fix anything, so I'm not sure it's a Windows issue but the fact it fails to load is my only clue. I've also tried the troubleshooter in Advanced Startup but it said there were no issues, the most recent Windows updates are installed and Device Manager doesn't find any drivers to update.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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