Issues with windows in a new pc build. Unresponsive machine, mouse will move and apps minimize but i cant do ANYthing else.




Wondering if anyone can help me here. I just built a new computer recently (3/4 weeks ago), which has worked flawlessy with the exception of this annoying issue. As far as i know, i have all drivers up to date and 0 viruses as i have kapersky installed and ive done a full sweep.

This has happened around 5 times now in the past week and a half, and since i use this machine for working from home, this is a bit of an issue.

For some reason my pc will stealthily go into this unresponsive state where the only things i can seemingly do are move the mouse around the screen and minimize and re-show apps that i already have open by clicking on their icons in the taskbar. I cant do anything inside the apps though. Not a thing in any of them. I cant kill any app by right clicking its icon (as it wont let me right click it)...nor can I kill the app in task manager. Inside task manager it shows all my processes as using 0% of the CPU and they cant be interacted with at all.

I cant ctr-alt-del at all.

I can open the settings section of windows (seemingly the only app i can open once this whole thing begins), however every section within it is blank to me. Just a black box under the section title.

Finally. My fan speeds and temps dont seemingly change at all throughout this and i cant turn off or restart the machine from within windows home button...I can only do it from holding down the case button.

Restarting seems to clear the problem completely and i can resume working, however this issue just comes back again randomly within 1-3 days.

Sorry for the waffle. If anyone knows what the issue is or has any advice, that would be greatly appreciated.


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