Just a quick question cause Im knew around here



I haven't had a Windows product in over a decade.

When exactly, is this hell on earth going to be over? It started late Saturday when my laptop (that is 6 months old) crashed unexpectedly during the update!! (it was a driver and the Windows Defender that wont ever SHUT UP) The crash made my system near worthless and stripped me of my Admin rights---so I cant do a damn thing!!!!..... I still don't have them back--- Microsoft wont give them too me LOL --- Its my own machine!!!! and that's AFTER spending over 6 hours on the phone with India yesterday.... he even remoted in to help and was as astonished as I was at the disaster this update caused. I spent the rest of the night scouring the interenet for ideas since I had the breakdown,,,, its bad, Like Bad Bad.

I got up early this morning to finish my registration phase, while I contemplated rebooting BIOS on my own here in the next few days ...however this late moring, it was getting little hopeful ....I was getting little instant messages from a robot. Since then ive had to damn near rework my entire system with downloads by my self, with Google (yes, Bill GOOGLE) and YouTube yet here I sit 9 hours in........ on the bright side almost done with my SECURITY check to get my admin rights back. So I can pull my own button and install the update.....and reconfiguring again if it works. I thought I was done her about 15 minutes ago and ready to roll my sleeves and pray I can get some space on this HD cleared of.......I mean, after opening an outlook acct, downloading an app I HAVE to use, about 78 password changes, two personal email accounts, a thumbprint, and a PIN reset,,,, I finally get to be and ADMIN again... i honestly felt like my boss gave me a compliment. Until I reminded myself this was MY OWN MACHINE!!

That's when I find out theres another step to the IDENTITIY processesssssssss and it requires a picture of me.... ****!!! My sound and video card crapped on the update so know I get to be creative---I have no web cam, I already got through the voice verification by prending I was a mute ( the messanger Robot bought it). I cant wait !!! I mean I'm sure this Security Check is for our own good.... credit cards, pictures, phone, address, 2 personal email accounts, a PIN, an app that we have a thumbprint on, a new OUTLOOK email address and a password chain set in EDGE ... This is MY computer that I PAID for, and ISNT under warranty to them whatsoever> This is the most RIDICULOUS profit ridden rat race Ive ever seen...... And, I havent even began the update download and the manual rework of it, since the up date mixed my files all up. I had to take my own time to look up the configuration !!!!! Y'all are a mess over at Microsoft !!!! I cat WAIT to get my IPADpro...i was hesitant to pay that much right now but damn, Bill, YOU broke my new computer (and according to the interenet I'm not alone), ive spent a good 25 hours researching, and fixing it--- ony to be graced by the "MIM" we care so much about safety... whatever it is. Good job for showing me what your company is all about early in!! i appreciate it. Ill spend my money where I'm appreciated as a customer,

------Toodles .... Cant wait to get a real OS !!!

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