Constant BSODs after new PC build, Windows 10



Hi everyone.

Decided to give building a PC a try. After putting together a compatible parts list on PCPartPicker and assembling all of the hardware, my new rig worked beautifully for day 1. Day 2 I started to get random BSODs, including -






and others.

These BSODs have not frequently referenced particular drivers or files, but during my most recent install one BSOD did reference "amdppm.sys"

All parts are new with two exceptions - a used Nvidia GTX 750, and a used SSD.

I've tried the following several times, and each time I run into the same issues:

1. Manual driver update for all drivers. BIOS is also updated.

2. Windows Memory Diagnostic tool (no issues found)

3. Command Prompt > sfc /scannow (found corrupt files which were able to be fixed) and DISM commands (no issues)

4. Windows update. Downloaded and installed all updates.

5. Driver Verifier*

*I've performed a clean install of windows 10 from 2 different boot media downloads 3 times to see if starting fresh would help. Install 1 & 3 Driver Verifier returned no issues. Install 2 it returned a BSOD referencing "amd xata.sys."

I've triggered 4 BSODs since my last fresh install just a few hours ago, all while performing random, low-demand tasks. Minidump files for these events can be found at: Minidump_StephenCarlock.7z

If any more info is needed I'm happy to share it. Any assistance is appreciated. I feel like I'm at the end of my rope here.

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