Repeated Blue Screen of Death, cannot reset PC




While I was working on my Windows 10 PC, writing in a Word Document, I was suddenly met with a Blue Screen of Death, without any other issues or warnings leading up to it. I attempted to restart the PC, but every time I do I immediately get another Blue Screen of Death. This appears to not be caused by any action on my part, but rather it seems to depend on the amount of time Windows is running (roughly ~1 min). The Stop Code for the Blue Screen of Death changes each time, switching between UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP and WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR. Sometimes, the Blue Screen of Death seems to be unable to finish its "Collection of Error information", but freezes at 0% until I do a hard reboot.

Some short reading online says that these two stop codes indicate two completely different issues, so I'm not sure why they are both happening at the same time. An UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP implies a corrupted driver, so a reset of Windows should fix that. The WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR however suggests a hardware failure; however, my experience seems to suggest that it cannot possibly be a hardware problem as I explain below.

I attempted to reset the PC, to preserve my files and delete all apps and reset all settings. However, roughly one minute into the reset process the Blue Screen of Death happens anyway, causing the reset process to abort. My files are not backed up from this PC, I cannot afford to do a reset that will delete them.

Also, my PC is a dual boot with Ubuntu 16 installed alongside Windows 10. I am currently writing this post from the Ubuntu side, which has not crashed at all, and thus proves that the hardware of the PC is not causing the issue.

What do I do?


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