Audio Snapping/glitching




I'm wondering if anyone could help me get a sollution for a problem i have been having for the last couple of weeks.

The problem that im facing is that my PC is causing a weird audio snapping sound when i play or stop audio. It is especially noticable when i use a delay on chords in ableton. (My PC is an audio workstation, or at least it was supposed to be one).

The problem had arisen from one day till the next. My Pc used to boot in a safe mode, because i had Ram installed impropperly (noob move i know, but hey it happens.). When it booted in this safe mode, my audio playback was perfect. However this caused my system to have these weird stutterings in performance. So i situated my ram correctly and suddenly my performance was perfect, and this audio snapping sound started to arise. It really bothers me, because the sound makes it impossible to make music.

The problem persists when i use onboard motherboard audio, my HDMI audio output and my focusrite Clarett audio interface. With all 3 devices the snapping sound stays the same.

I have really been on a troubleshooting spree the past few weeks, trying many different sollutions as well as replacing almost my entire PC just to find out the problem still exists. Im going to list the sollutions that i have tried:

-Updating Bios and cmos reset.

-Clean install of windows, different versions/builds.

-Clean install of drivers, chipsets etc.

-Optimizing windows for audio. (disable C-states, enable performance powerplan, disable usb bus powersavings, utilize 100 percent cpu performance, disable audio enhancnements and system sounds, disable usb timeout settings, maximize pcie performance, Disabling Intel speedstep, driver updates and testing for IRQ conflicts)

-Latencymon testing, Pc suited for real-time audio processing.

-Memtest 64, no errors detected on both XMP as default speeds.

-Replacing Pc parts, with no sollution.

I have attached an example of the audio in my Dropbox link. So you can hear what it sounds like (maybe it helps?). There are also latencymon results there, but one of the results is an old reading of my previous hardware, the current hardware doesnt have that problem. example

And this is where it bring me to hopelessness. I have tried replacing my motherboard, storagedevices and ram, thinking these were the culprits causing the issues. With no luck, im in 500euro, with no fix whatsoever, and this is where im getting hopeless. No matter what sollution i try, nothing seems to work and i cant figure it out.

Can anyone please help me towards an sollution? I am out of ideas and starting to get a bit hopeless. The only sollution i have is going either full AMD or buy a mac and get this issue done with. Currently its really causing issues, because i cant work because of this. Any suggestions can help, please anyone?

Current systems specs:

windows ver. 19042.572

Intel 10600k

Corsair ddr4 32gb 2x16 3200.

MSI MAG z490 Tomahawk

EVGA Rtx 2060

samsung evo m.2

crucial SSD

Corsair 650w gold.

Looking forward for your reply.

Kind regards,


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