gaming pc crashing in games



i keep getting errors "kmode exception not handled" and once got the error "system thread exception not handled".

my pc is a brand new gaming pc that i built mid September all brand new parts it worked for about a month with no issues then i started getting the error "DCP Watchdog violation" but after re-installing windows that error hasnt came up since

after re-installing windows i had 2 weeks of no issues then 3 days ago i was gaming and streaming and i got a crash and the error "kmode expection not handled" then once when i was just gaming with no other windows and not streaming i got the error "system thread exception not handled". i have no idea whats causing these issues as ive said its a brand new build with all brand new parts.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600

Motherboard: MSI B450 gaming pro carbon max wifi atx am4

Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16gb (2x8gb)

SSD: Western digital SN750

GPU: EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 super

Power supply: Corsair CXM 550

Case: Corsair spec-delta RGB ATX mid tower case

Storage: Western digital caviar blue 1TB

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