Cloned Windows 10 System to SSD and OneDrive stopped updating existing files



Back in July 2020 I cloned the HD system disk on one of my computer to an SSD to improve the performance. Everything worked fine until November when the SSD died. Luckily, I hadn't touched the old HD, so I was able to boot back to that drive. All the important information on that computer was uploading to OneDrive, so all I needed to do was wait for OneDrive to finish syncing to the HD and I'd be back up-to-date with nothing lost... or so I thought.

Once I started checking I found that all the new files that had been added since July were there and up-to-date, but all the files existing before July and updated afterwards hadn't been updated in the cloud.

For example, say a OneDrive-backed file named fuzzy1.xml existed in July (before the clone). This was being updated every day and uploading to OneDrive. In November, after booting back to the HD, OneDrive syncs fuzzy1.xml and the file-date is July, not November. All the July-November updates are gone. (The file in the Cloud is also old.)

Being somewhat paranoid, I was keeping periodic backups of critical files distinguished with names like fuzzy1-2020-11-06.xml. Those newly-added files were uploaded properly, so I was able to recover. But I've lost a lot of activity in non-critical files I hadn't manually backed up.

What caused this? How do I avoid this problem?

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