Magical Pickle


I'm experiencing a lot of BSOD since a month, after using ''BluescreenView'' it appears that the faulting driver is '' Watchdog.sys '' and after using ''WinDbg'' i find this :

************* Symbol Path validation summary **************
Response Time (ms) Location
Deferred srv*c:\SymbolsSrvCache*Symbol information

************* Symbol Path validation summary **************
Response Time (ms) Location
Deferred srv*c:\SymbolsSrvCache*Symbol information

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.15063.468 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP]
Kernel Bitmap Dump File: Kernel address space is available, User address space may not be available.

************* Symbol Path validation summary **************
Response Time (ms) Location
Deferred srv*c:\SymbolsSrvCache*Symbol information
Symbol search path is: srv*c:\SymbolsSrvCache*Symbol information
Executable search path is:
Windows 10 Kernel Version 19041 MP (8 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`79200000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`79e2a3b0
Debug session time: Sun Nov 15 13:13:15.046 2020 (UTC + 1:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:54:11.721
Loading Kernel Symbols
......................................Page 200004950 too large to be in the dump file.
Loading User Symbols

Loading unloaded module list
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 113, {19, 2, 10de, 139b}

*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nvlddmkm.sys
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
Probably caused by : memory_corruption

Followup: memory_corruption

2: kd> !analyze -v
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

The dxgkrnl has detected that a violation has occurred. This resulted
in a condition that dxgkrnl can no longer progress. By crashing, dxgkrnl
is attempting to get enough information into the minidump such that somebody
can pinpoint the crash cause. Any other values after parameter 1 must be
individually examined according to the subtype.
Arg1: 0000000000000019, The subtype of the bugcheck:
Arg2: 0000000000000002
Arg3: 00000000000010de
Arg4: 000000000000139b

Debugging Details:

Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details



BUILD_VERSION_STRING: 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406





BIOS_VENDOR: American Megatrends Inc.


BIOS_DATE: 07/24/2015










CPU_MHZ: a22

CPU_VENDOR: GenuineIntel




CPU_MICROCODE: 6,3c,3,0 (F,M,S,R) SIG: 27'00000000 (cache) 27'00000000 (init)






ANALYSIS_SESSION_TIME: 11-15-2020 14:01:42.0512

ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.15063.468 amd64fre

LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff8008a2d3ad0 to fffff800795f5210

fffff40e`2e41b838 fffff800`8a2d3ad0 : 00000000`00000113 00000000`00000019 00000000`00000002 00000000`000010de : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff40e`2e41b840 fffff800`8a10cdd4 : ffffdb0b`99db0180 ffffdb0b`99dddaf0 ffffdb0b`99db0180 ffffdb0b`99db0180 : watchdog!WdLogEvent5_WdCriticalError+0xe0
fffff40e`2e41b880 fffff800`8a080081 : fffff40e`2e41b900 00000000`00000000 ffffdb0b`00000000 ffffdb0b`99dddce0 : dxgkrnl!DpiFdoHandleDevicePower+0x8c494
fffff40e`2e41b920 fffff800`8a0815d0 : ffffdb0b`99dddaf0 ffffdb0b`99db0180 ffffdb0b`99db0030 00000000`00000000 : dxgkrnl!DpiFdoDispatchPower+0x21
fffff40e`2e41b950 fffff800`8daa7a4e : 00000000`00000001 fffff40e`2e41bad9 00000000`00000001 ffffdb0b`99d92000 : dxgkrnl!DpiDispatchPower+0xe0
fffff40e`2e41ba70 fffff800`8daa6b60 : 00000000`c0000002 ffffdb0b`99d92001 ffffdb0b`99db0030 ffffdb0b`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0xc7a4e
fffff40e`2e41bb40 fffff800`7959c529 : ffffdb0b`976b9040 fffff40e`2e41bbf0 ffffdb0b`99dddaf0 ffffdb0b`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0xc6b60
fffff40e`2e41bb70 fffff800`794a29a5 : 00000000`00000000 fffff800`7959c350 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000096 : nt!PopIrpWorker+0x1d9
fffff40e`2e41bc10 fffff800`795fc868 : ffffc601`93880180 ffffdb0b`976b9040 fffff800`794a2950 00000000`00000000 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x55
fffff40e`2e41bc60 00000000`00000000 : fffff40e`2e41c000 fffff40e`2e416000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x28


CHKIMG_EXTENSION: !chkimg -lo 50 -d !nt
fffff80079331620-fffff80079331622 3 bytes - nt!_guard_check_icall_fptr
[ 50 73 59:60 dd 5f ]
fffff80079331628-fffff80079331629 2 bytes - nt!_guard_dispatch_icall_fptr (+0x08)
[ e0 0e:b0 dd ]
fffff8007941cf05-fffff8007941cf09 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationWorkerFactory+e5
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 b6 71 7f 00 ]
fffff8007941d256-fffff8007941d25a 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationWorkerFactory+436 (+0x351)
[ ff e0 cc cc cc:e8 45 6e 7f 00 ]
fffff8007941d286-fffff8007941d28a 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationWorkerFactory+466 (+0x30)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 35 6e 7f 00 ]
fffff80079435953-fffff80079435957 5 bytes - nt!MapCmDevicePropertyToRegType+23 (+0x186cd)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 68 e7 7d 00 ]
fffff80079454cce-fffff80079454cd2 5 bytes - nt!RtlpUnwindPrologue+ce (+0x1f37b)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 ed f3 7b 00 ]
fffff8007945f48f-fffff8007945f493 5 bytes - nt!AuthzBasepDuplicateSecurityAttributes+19f (+0xa7c1)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 2c 4c 7b 00 ]
fffff800794639ab-fffff800794639af 5 bytes - nt!XpressBuildHuffmanDecodingTable+1bb (+0x451c)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 10 07 7b 00 ]
fffff8007946af5f-fffff8007946af63 5 bytes - nt!WarbirdCrypto::CCipherFeistel64::CallRoundFunction+4f (+0x75b4)
[ ff e0 cc cc cc:e8 3c 91 7a 00 ]
fffff80079474706-fffff8007947470a 5 bytes - nt!KiIpiProcessRequests+e6 (+0x97a7)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 b5 f9 79 00 ]
fffff80079479cd7-fffff80079479cd8 2 bytes - nt!CmpLoadKeyCommon+28b (+0x55d1)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079479cde-fffff80079479ce2 5 bytes - nt!CmpLoadKeyCommon+292 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 5d b5 af fb ]
fffff80079489951-fffff80079489955 5 bytes - nt!SeSetAuditParameter+41 (+0xfc73)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 6a a7 78 00 ]
fffff8007948d8db-fffff8007948d8dc 2 bytes - nt!HalpRemapVirtualAddress64+43 (+0x3f8a)
[ 80 f6:00 da ]
fffff800794bed62-fffff800794bed67 6 bytes - nt!KiInSwapProcesses+2a (+0x31487)
[ 68 df be 7d fb f6:a0 4d 9b 36 6d da ]
fffff800794cf790-fffff800794cf794 5 bytes - nt!FsRtlCheckOplockEx2+690 (+0x10a2e)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 2b 49 74 00 ]
fffff800794cf911-fffff800794cf915 5 bytes - nt!FsRtlCheckOplockEx2+811 (+0x181)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 aa 47 74 00 ]
fffff80079514c16-fffff80079514c1a 5 bytes - nt!AuthzBasepEvaluateAceCondition+5c6 (+0x45305)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 a5 f4 6f 00 ]
fffff800795182db-fffff800795182df 5 bytes - nt!PfFileInfoNotify+2db (+0x36c5)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 e0 bd 6f 00 ]
fffff80079562367-fffff80079562368 2 bytes - nt!HalpGetPteAddress+17 (+0x4a08c)
[ 80 f6:00 da ]
fffff8007956ad01-fffff8007956ad05 5 bytes - nt!CmDevicePropertyWrite+21 (+0x899a)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 ba 93 6a 00 ]
fffff8007956eca4-fffff8007956eca8 5 bytes - nt!PnpRemoveLockedDeviceNode+7c (+0x3fa3)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 17 54 6a 00 ]
fffff8007958ce4f-fffff8007958ce52 4 bytes - nt!HvcallInitiateHypercall+5f (+0x1e1ab)
[ ff d0 0f 1f:e8 8c 74 68 ]
fffff800795b2ca5-fffff800795b2ca6 2 bytes - nt!ClipInitHandles+45 (+0x25e56)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff800795b2cac-fffff800795b2caf 4 bytes - nt!ClipInitHandles+4c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 6f 17 66 ]
fffff800795b61ba-fffff800795b61bb 2 bytes - nt!WheapCheckForAndReportErrorsFromPreviousSession+22 (+0x350e)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff800795b61c1-fffff800795b61c5 5 bytes - nt!WheapCheckForAndReportErrorsFromPreviousSession+29 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 3a be a4 fb ]
fffff800795b61f0-fffff800795b61f1 2 bytes - nt!WheapCheckForAndReportErrorsFromPreviousSession+58 (+0x2f)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff800795b61f7-fffff800795b61fb 5 bytes - nt!WheapCheckForAndReportErrorsFromPreviousSession+5f (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 24 b1 a4 fb ]
fffff800795b6a48-fffff800795b6a49 2 bytes - nt!HalpMmZeroPageWithTemporaryMapping+10 (+0x851)
[ 80 f6:00 da ]
fffff800795b6ef0-fffff800795b6ef1 2 bytes - nt!HalpUnmapVirtualAddress+50 (+0x4a8)
[ 80 f6:00 da ]
fffff800795b7080-fffff800795b7081 2 bytes - nt!HalpMap+138 (+0x190)
[ 80 f6:00 da ]
fffff800795b7128-fffff800795b712c 5 bytes - nt!HalpMmGetPteAddressSafe+18 (+0xa8)
[ d0 be 7d fb f6:40 9b 36 6d da ]
fffff800795b714c-fffff800795b714f 4 bytes - nt!HalpMmGetPteAddressSafe+3c (+0x24)
[ a0 7d fb f6:80 36 6d da ]
fffff800795b716c-fffff800795b716e 3 bytes - nt!HalpMmGetPteAddressSafe+5c (+0x20)
[ 40 fb f6:00 6d da ]
fffff800795b7191-fffff800795b7192 2 bytes - nt!HalpMmGetPteAddressSafe+81 (+0x25)
[ 80 f6:00 da ]
fffff800795b71c7-fffff800795b71c8 2 bytes - nt!HalpFlushTLB+7 (+0x36)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff800795b71ce-fffff800795b71d1 4 bytes - nt!HalpFlushTLB+e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 4d d2 65 ]
fffff800795cbecd-fffff800795cbed0 4 bytes - nt!_C_specific_handler+9d (+0x14cff)
[ ff d0 0f 1f:e8 0e 84 64 ]
fffff800795cbfcf-fffff800795cbfd2 4 bytes - nt!_C_specific_handler+19f (+0x102)
[ ff d0 0f 1f:e8 0c 83 64 ]
fffff800795cc060-fffff800795cc062 3 bytes - nt!TmInitSystemPhase2 (+0x91)
[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]
fffff800795cc067-fffff800795cc06b 5 bytes - nt!TmInitSystemPhase2+7 (+0x07)
[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 f4 ff 99 fb ]
fffff800795cc080-fffff800795cc082 3 bytes - nt!TmInitSystem (+0x19)
[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]
fffff800795cc087-fffff800795cc08b 5 bytes - nt!TmInitSystem+7 (+0x07)
[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 f4 5f 9b fb ]
fffff800795cc0a0-fffff800795cc0a2 3 bytes - nt!NtCommitComplete (+0x19)
[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]
fffff800795cc0a7-fffff800795cc0ab 5 bytes - nt!NtCommitComplete+7 (+0x07)
[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 54 ab 9a fb ]
fffff800795cc0c0-fffff800795cc0c2 3 bytes - nt!NtCommitEnlistment (+0x19)
[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]
fffff800795cc0c7-fffff800795cc0cb 5 bytes - nt!NtCommitEnlistment+7 (+0x07)
[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 14 ac 9a fb ]
fffff800795cc0e0-fffff800795cc0e2 3 bytes - nt!NtCommitTransaction (+0x19)
[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]
fffff800795cc0e7-fffff800795cc0eb 5 bytes - nt!NtCommitTransaction+7 (+0x07)
[ cc cc cc cc cc:e9 44 fb 9a fb ]
fffff800795cc100-fffff800795cc102 3 bytes - nt!NtCreateEnlistment (+0x19)
[ 48 ff 25:4c 8b 15 ]
WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.
Page 200 not present in the dump file. Type ".hh dbgerr004" for details
fffff800797c879b-fffff800797c879f 5 bytes - nt!VrpRegistryCallback+bb
[ ff e2 cc cc cc:e8 40 b9 44 00 ]
fffff800797c8a20-fffff800797c8a24 5 bytes - nt!VrpGetContextsForNotifyInfo+40 (+0x285)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 9b b6 44 00 ]
fffff800797d7602-fffff800797d7603 2 bytes - nt!ExpWnfGetNameStoreRegistryRoot+142 (+0xebe2)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff800797d7609-fffff800797d760d 5 bytes - nt!ExpWnfGetNameStoreRegistryRoot+149 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 32 30 d9 ff ]
fffff800797ea0c7-fffff800797ea0cb 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationProcess+2b7 (+0x12abe)
[ ff e2 cc cc cc:e8 14 a0 42 00 ]
fffff800797eb015-fffff800797eb019 5 bytes - nt!NtSetInformationProcess+1205 (+0xf4e)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 a6 90 42 00 ]
fffff80079810533-fffff80079810537 5 bytes - nt!NtPowerInformation+493 (+0x2551e)
[ ff e0 cc cc cc:e8 68 3b 40 00 ]
fffff8007981b1e9-fffff8007981b1ea 2 bytes - nt!PiDqQueryRelease+51 (+0xacb6)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007981b1f0-fffff8007981b1f3 4 bytes - nt!PiDqQueryRelease+58 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 ab 2d f6 ]
fffff8007981bdb1-fffff8007981bdb2 2 bytes - nt!PiDqIrpQueryCreate+115 (+0xbc1)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007981bdb8-fffff8007981bdbb 4 bytes - nt!PiDqIrpQueryCreate+11c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 43 18 f6 ]
fffff8007981bded-fffff8007981bdee 2 bytes - nt!PiDqIrpQueryCreate+151 (+0x35)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007981bdf4-fffff8007981bdf7 4 bytes - nt!PiDqIrpQueryCreate+158 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 e7 1c f6 ]
fffff8007981c28c-fffff8007981c28d 2 bytes - nt!PiDqQuerySerializeActionQueue+c0 (+0x498)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007981c293-fffff8007981c296 4 bytes - nt!PiDqQuerySerializeActionQueue+c7 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 a8 10 f6 ]
fffff8007981c2c5-fffff8007981c2c6 2 bytes - nt!PiDqQuerySerializeActionQueue+f9 (+0x32)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007981c2cc-fffff8007981c2cf 4 bytes - nt!PiDqQuerySerializeActionQueue+100 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 ef 11 f6 ]
fffff8007981c372-fffff8007981c373 2 bytes - nt!PiDqQuerySerializeActionQueue+1a6 (+0xa6)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007981c379-fffff8007981c37c 4 bytes - nt!PiDqQuerySerializeActionQueue+1ad (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 42 14 f6 ]
fffff8007981c4be-fffff8007981c4bf 2 bytes - nt!PiDqQuerySerializeActionQueue+2f2 (+0x145)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007981c4c5-fffff8007981c4c8 4 bytes - nt!PiDqQuerySerializeActionQueue+2f9 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00:e8 d6 1a f6 ]
fffff80079857a97-fffff80079857a98 2 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+6f (+0x3b5d2)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079857a9e-fffff80079857aa2 5 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+76 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 3d 7a 76 fb ]
fffff80079857abe-fffff80079857abf 2 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+96 (+0x20)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079857ac5-fffff80079857ac9 5 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+9d (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 b6 1d 76 fb ]
fffff80079857ace-fffff80079857acf 2 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+a6 (+0x09)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079857ad5-fffff80079857ad9 5 bytes - nt!CmpStopRMLog+ad (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 a6 49 76 fb ]
fffff800798581c2-fffff800798581c3 2 bytes - nt!CmpTransReferenceTransaction+42 (+0x6ed)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff800798581c9-fffff800798581cd 5 bytes - nt!CmpTransReferenceTransaction+49 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 d2 ac 71 fb ]
fffff8007985aeaf-fffff8007985aeb0 2 bytes - nt!CmCheckNoTxContext+f (+0x2ce6)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985aeb6-fffff8007985aeba 5 bytes - nt!CmCheckNoTxContext+16 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 55 01 71 fb ]
fffff8007985bf98-fffff8007985bf99 2 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+344 (+0x10e2)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985bf9f-fffff8007985bfa3 5 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+34b (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 4c a1 76 fb ]
fffff8007985bfe5-fffff8007985bfe6 2 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+391 (+0x46)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985bfec-fffff8007985bff0 5 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+398 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 5f df 75 fb ]
fffff8007985c075-fffff8007985c076 2 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+421 (+0x89)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985c07c-fffff8007985c080 5 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+428 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 4f c3 76 fb ]
fffff8007985c13d-fffff8007985c13e 2 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+4e9 (+0xc1)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985c144-fffff8007985c148 5 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+4f0 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 37 03 76 fb ]
fffff8007985c157-fffff8007985c158 2 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+503 (+0x13)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985c15e-fffff8007985c162 5 bytes - nt!CmpInitCmRM+50a (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 4d 0b 76 fb ]
fffff8007985c904-fffff8007985c905 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+c4 (+0x7a6)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985c90b-fffff8007985c90f 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+cb (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 b0 46 71 fb ]
fffff8007985ca66-fffff8007985ca67 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+226 (+0x15b)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985ca6d-fffff8007985ca71 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+22d (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 8e 3e 71 fb ]
fffff8007985ca96-fffff8007985ca97 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+256 (+0x29)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985ca9d-fffff8007985caa1 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+25d (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 7e 40 71 fb ]
fffff8007985cb0f-fffff8007985cb10 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2cf (+0x72)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff8007985cb16-fffff8007985cb1a 5 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2d6 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 15 3b 71 fb ]
fffff8007985cb3d-fffff8007985cb3e 2 bytes - nt!CmKtmNotification+2fd (+0x27)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.
fffff80079b8f421-fffff80079b8f425 5 bytes - nt!PopHandleNextState+71
[ ff e2 cc cc cc:e8 ba 4c 08 00 ]
fffff80079b8fae5-fffff80079b8fae6 2 bytes - nt!PopSaveHiberContext+115 (+0x6c4)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079b8faec-fffff80079b8faf0 5 bytes - nt!PopSaveHiberContext+11c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 ef 20 47 fb ]
fffff80079b91315-fffff80079b91316 2 bytes - nt!HalpMcaResumeProcessorConfig+85 (+0x1829)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079b9131c-fffff80079b91320 5 bytes - nt!HalpMcaResumeProcessorConfig+8c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 9f 02 47 fb ]
fffff80079b951ab-fffff80079b951ac 2 bytes - nt!HalpMcaSetProcessorConfig+93 (+0x3e8f)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079b951b2-fffff80079b951b6 5 bytes - nt!HalpMcaSetProcessorConfig+9a (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 49 d1 46 fb ]
fffff80079b9bdb6-fffff80079b9bdb7 2 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+ba (+0x6c04)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079b9bdbd-fffff80079b9bdc1 5 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+c1 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 3e 65 46 fb ]
fffff80079b9bdcf-fffff80079b9bdd0 2 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+d3 (+0x12)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079b9bdd6-fffff80079b9bdda 5 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+da (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 d5 68 46 fb ]
fffff80079ba0c75-fffff80079ba0c76 2 bytes - nt!HalpAcpiPostSleep+f8f9 (+0x4e9f)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079ba0c7c-fffff80079ba0c80 5 bytes - nt!HalpAcpiPostSleep+f900 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 9f 03 3b fb ]
fffff80079ba11ea-fffff80079ba11eb 2 bytes - nt!HaliLocateHiberRanges+f44a (+0x56e)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079ba11f1-fffff80079ba11f5 5 bytes - nt!HaliLocateHiberRanges+f451 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 7a 09 46 fb ]
fffff80079ba2bcd-fffff80079ba2bce 2 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+6ed1 (+0x19dc)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079ba2bd4-fffff80079ba2bd8 5 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+6ed8 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 f7 fa 45 fb ]
fffff80079ba2c47-fffff80079ba2c48 2 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+6f4b (+0x73)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079ba2c4e-fffff80079ba2c52 5 bytes - nt!HalpInitializeMce+6f52 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 bd fa 45 fb ]
fffff80079bab29c-fffff80079bab29d 2 bytes - nt!KdMarkHiberPhase+34 (+0x864e)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bab2a3-fffff80079bab2a7 5 bytes - nt!KdMarkHiberPhase+3b (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 f8 5d 3a fb ]
fffff80079bad407-fffff80079bad408 2 bytes - nt!PopGracefulShutdown+137 (+0x2164)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bad40e-fffff80079bad412 5 bytes - nt!PopGracefulShutdown+13e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 9d 45 3b fb ]
fffff80079bb2a8d-fffff80079bb2a8e 2 bytes - nt!KdInitSystem+92d
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb2a94-fffff80079bb2a98 5 bytes - nt!KdInitSystem+934 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 87 e5 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb3a1d-fffff80079bb3a1e 2 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+ad (+0xf89)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb3a24-fffff80079bb3a28 5 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+b4 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 47 d6 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb3a70-fffff80079bb3a71 2 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+100 (+0x4c)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb3a77-fffff80079bb3a7b 5 bytes - nt!KdpCloseRemoteFile+107 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 e4 d5 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb3d25-fffff80079bb3d26 2 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+155 (+0x2ae)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb3d2c-fffff80079bb3d30 5 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+15c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 2f d3 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb3d67-fffff80079bb3d68 2 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+197 (+0x3b)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb3d6e-fffff80079bb3d72 5 bytes - nt!KdpCreateRemoteFile+19e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 fd d2 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb3ee3-fffff80079bb3ee4 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+e7 (+0x175)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb3eea-fffff80079bb3eee 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+ee (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 71 d1 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb3f21-fffff80079bb3f22 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+125 (+0x37)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb3f28-fffff80079bb3f2c 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadRemoteFile+12c (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 43 d1 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb43d7-fffff80079bb43d8 2 bytes - nt!KdSendTraceData+107 (+0x4af)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb43de-fffff80079bb43e2 5 bytes - nt!KdSendTraceData+10e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 7d cc 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb4532-fffff80079bb4533 2 bytes - nt!KdpFillMemory+102 (+0x154)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb4539-fffff80079bb453d 5 bytes - nt!KdpFillMemory+109 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 22 cb 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb4604-fffff80079bb4605 2 bytes - nt!KdpGetBusData+a4 (+0xcb)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb460b-fffff80079bb460f 5 bytes - nt!KdpGetBusData+ab (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 50 ca 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb4796-fffff80079bb4797 2 bytes - nt!KdpQueryMemory+7a (+0x18b)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb479d-fffff80079bb47a1 5 bytes - nt!KdpQueryMemory+81 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 be c8 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb484d-fffff80079bb484e 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadControlSpace+99 (+0xb0)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb4854-fffff80079bb4858 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadControlSpace+a0 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 07 c8 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb4997-fffff80079bb4998 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadPhysicalMemory+127 (+0x143)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb499e-fffff80079bb49a2 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadPhysicalMemory+12e (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 bd c6 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb4b24-fffff80079bb4b25 2 bytes - nt!KdpReadVirtualMemory+a0 (+0x186)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb4b2b-fffff80079bb4b2f 5 bytes - nt!KdpReadVirtualMemory+a7 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 30 c5 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb4fe1-fffff80079bb4fe2 2 bytes - nt!KdpRestoreBreakPointEx+d9 (+0x4b6)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb4fe8-fffff80079bb4fec 5 bytes - nt!KdpRestoreBreakPointEx+e0 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 73 c0 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb51f5-fffff80079bb51f6 2 bytes - nt!KdpSearchMemory+1dd (+0x20d)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb51fc-fffff80079bb5200 5 bytes - nt!KdpSearchMemory+1e4 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 5f be 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb5597-fffff80079bb5598 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+a3 (+0x39b)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb559e-fffff80079bb55a2 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+aa (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 bd ba 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb55e1-fffff80079bb55e2 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+ed (+0x43)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb55e8-fffff80079bb55ec 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+f4 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 83 ba 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb561d-fffff80079bb5621 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+129 (+0x35)
[ ff e1 cc cc cc:e8 9e ea 05 00 ]
fffff80079bb5b67-fffff80079bb5b68 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+673 (+0x54a)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb5b6e-fffff80079bb5b72 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+67a (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 ed b4 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb5b86-fffff80079bb5b87 2 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+692 (+0x18)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb5b8d-fffff80079bb5b91 5 bytes - nt!KdpSendWaitContinue+699 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 ce b4 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb5d61-fffff80079bb5d62 2 bytes - nt!KdpSetBusData+71 (+0x1d4)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb5d68-fffff80079bb5d6c 5 bytes - nt!KdpSetBusData+78 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 f3 b2 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb5e29-fffff80079bb5e2a 2 bytes - nt!KdpSetContext+ad (+0xc1)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb5e30-fffff80079bb5e34 5 bytes - nt!KdpSetContext+b4 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 2b b2 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb61de-fffff80079bb61df 2 bytes - nt!KdpWriteBreakPointEx+14e (+0x3ae)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb61e5-fffff80079bb61e9 5 bytes - nt!KdpWriteBreakPointEx+155 (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 76 ae 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb6213-fffff80079bb6214 2 bytes - nt!KdpWriteBreakPointEx+183 (+0x2e)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
fffff80079bb621a-fffff80079bb621e 5 bytes - nt!KdpWriteBreakPointEx+18a (+0x07)
[ 0f 1f 44 00 00:e8 41 ae 39 fb ]
fffff80079bb62c0-fffff80079bb62c1 2 bytes - nt!KdpWriteControlSpace+6c (+0xa6)
[ 48 ff:4c 8b ]
WARNING: !chkimg output was truncated to 50 lines. Invoke !chkimg without '-lo [num_lines]' to view entire output.
3076 errors : !nt (fffff80079331620-fffff80079bb79ab)

MODULE_NAME: memory_corruption

IMAGE_NAME: memory_corruption

FOLLOWUP_NAME: memory_corruption






TARGET_TIME: 2020-11-15T12:13:15.000Z

OSBUILD: 19041







OSNAME: Windows 10

OSEDITION: Windows 10 WinNt TerminalServer SingleUserTS



OSBUILD_TIMESTAMP: 2023-08-28 00:21:11


BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release

BUILDOSVER_STR: 10.0.19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406



FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: km:memory_corruption_large

FAILURE_ID_HASH: {e29154ac-69a4-0eb8-172a-a860f73c0a3c}

Followup: memory_corruption


Maybe can someone help me with this? :D

Thanks !

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