File structure problems after removing OneDrive



OneDrive deletion problems

I have been asking for help in the Office 365 area of the forums while some of my issues were resolved there is one major problem still outstanding.

It has been suggested that this user group may be more appropriate.

The above link will take you to the thread on the Office 365 forum pages where my problem is explained. Apologies if this is not the correct procedure and or this post is too long but I do need help! In removing the OneDrive software I believed I had followed the correct process, unlinking etc but it seems there may have been other things I failed to do which I was not warned about.

In essence the removal of the OneDrive software seems to have resulted in the default path to saving documents being no longer the default "C:/users/user name/ documents". Instead it is now "C:/user/user name/ documents/documents" where the fist "documents" in the path is actually OneDrive which has been renamed by me!

New files, deletions, and edits to documents are now saved in the second "documents". in the path.

I want to restore the path structure to the normal default so any help will be appreciated.

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