LiveKernelEvent error, crashes, and BSOD




Over the past couple months I have been on the receiving end of intermittent and unpredictable bluescreens. They do not seem to be tied to system stress, as sometimes I will be able to use resource intensive programs for many hours or even days without seeing a crash. Other times, I will bluescreen while doing nothing at all. I have run GPU stress tests along with other benchmarks and never had an issue.

These bluescreens come with a variety of stop codes -


For a while I thought that the issue was my hard drive, as I had a somewhat old disk drive. This hard drive has since been replaced with a brand new SSD. As a result, I am operating a clean install of windows and I brought none of the files from my old computer. Drivers have all been updated.

I have run windows memory diagnostic and found no issue. I have run SFC and chkdsk many times, never fixed.

Unfortunately, replacing my hard drive and reinstalling windows did not fix the crashes. Since changing to SSD, the only bluescreen stop code I have received has been MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. It has only been a couple days, however, so maybe I will get the other stop codes in due time.

Recently, I have been trying to play two games in particular: Minecraft and Black Ops Cold War. Currently, they are both unplayable due to constant crashing. Minecraft will have java crashes, and Cold War will crash to desktop with error code 3107840166 (cold war specific). Rocket League is also randomly crashing. Pretty much everything I try to use crashes. Occasionally, I will blue screen on top of the application crashes.

Here's what I have from today in system stability:


A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent

Code: 141

Parameter 1: ffff8000107f3010

Parameter 2: fffff8026bb52298

Parameter 3: 0

Parameter 4: 0

OS version: 10_0_19042

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 768_1

OS Version: 10.0.19042.

Locale ID: 1033


A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent

Code: 141

Parameter 1: ffff80001094f460

Parameter 2: fffff8026bb52298

Parameter 3: 0

Parameter 4: 1a4c

OS version: 10_0_19042

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 768_1

OS Version: 10.0.19042.

Locale ID: 1033


A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent

Code: 141

Parameter 1: ffff80000f24d460

Parameter 2: fffff8026bb52298

Parameter 3: 0

Parameter 4: 25ec

OS version: 10_0_19042

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 768_1

OS Version: 10.0.19042.

Locale ID: 1033


A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent

Code: 141

Parameter 1: ffff86849a183010

Parameter 2: fffff8079a392298

Parameter 3: 0

Parameter 4: 2d68

OS version: 10_0_19042

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 768_1

OS Version: 10.0.19042.

Locale ID: 1033


A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature

Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent

Code: 141

Parameter 1: ffff86849af8c200

Parameter 2: fffff8079a392298

Parameter 3: 0

Parameter 4: 4

OS version: 10_0_19042

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 768_1

OS Version: 10.0.19042.

Locale ID: 1033


I don't really know how to interpret this data.

Here is the minidump I have:


I also have a large MEMORY.DMP file (1.1gb) which I can upload if someone thinks it would help.

At this point, I'm lost. I think it's either the RAM or GPU, but I also thought it was the hard drive and I can't afford to keep replacing stuff randomly until it's fixed. Someone with a bigger brain than me, please help.

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