I constantly get LiveKernelEvent Errors 117 and 141 related freezes



Hi. Since i moved to my new appartement i've been getting lots of random freezes several times per day for a month now (almost 10 a day). I use my PC daily and not intensively, I play some games but nothing too demanding. But when a freeze happens it's often 3 to 5 seconds of screen freeze + sound glitching. Then most of the time my audio driver crashes so I have to reboot it manually (For example when i'm in a discord call i need to switch back to my main peripherals). Sometimes my screens go black for almost 5 seconds then reconnect. Glitched audio happens everytime. I built my PC myself it worked fine untill I moved. The only thing that changed when I moved is my 2nd screen, I only had one before that. My main one is plugged in HDMI and the other in DVI-D. Just to be sure I spent a full day with task manager open to see if there was any spikes happening. And when I have a freeze my CPU goes 100% and my GPU too. I tried the Windows troubleshooting tool and I've got two kind of errors matching the time of my freezes :

LiveKernelEvent 117 and rarely LiveKernelEvent 141.

I will copy and paste the full detail of the errors below

I tried everything I could so far, from the most obvious solution to obscure ones. I reinstalled every driver, updated them. Tried a clean windows installation with cleared hard drive and SSD. I cleaned my PC. I tried to open it and check for any damage on the components. Nothing has worked so far. I might have a faulty GPU or GPU but it was working fine so far. I almost certain it's a GPU issue, i've checked many forums with people having simillar problems and I tried every solution that was suggested.

I could try to totaly wipe my GPU Drivers, but my GPU doesn't have integrated graphics, so if I screw-up, my PC will be unusable untill a find a temporary CPU with integrated graphics to have a display output.

Soo... Now I hope some of you guys can help me with my issue.


[UserBenchmarks: Game 67%, Desk 88%, Work 57%](https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/35602166)



CPU|[Intel Core i5-9400F](https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Intel-Core-i5-9400F/Rating/4051)|87%

GPU|[Nvidia GTX 1660S (Super)](https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Nvidia-GTX-1660S-Super/Rating/4056)|72.2%

SSD|[Kingston A400 120GB](https://ssd.userbenchmark.com/SpeedTest/229920/KINGSTON-SA400S37120G)|62.1%

HDD|[Seagate Barracuda 1TB (2016)](https://hdd.userbenchmark.com/Seagate-Barracuda-1TB-2016/Rating/3896)|113.1%

RAM|[Crucial BLS4G4D240FSC.8FBD 4x4GB](https://ram.userbenchmark.com/SpeedTest/203187/Crucial-BLS4G4D240FSC8FBD-4x4GB)|84.9%

MBD|[MSI B365M PRO-VDH(MS-7C39)](https://www.userbenchmark.com/System/MSI-B365M-PRO-VDHMS-7C39/151784)|


Source : Windows

Summary : Hardware error

Dated : 11/18/2020 10:21

Status : Not reported

Description : A problem with the hardware caused Windows to malfunction.

Problem event name: LiveKernelEvent

Code: 117

Parameter 1: ffff9c8a05c66050

Parameter 2: fffff80589782298

Parameter 3: 0

Parameter 4: 3130

Operating system version: 10_0_19042

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 256_1

System version: 10.0.19042.

Local Identifier: 1036


Source : Windows

Summary : Hardware error

Dated : 11/18/2020 10:21

Status : Not reported

Description : A problem with the hardware caused Windows to malfunction.

Problem event name: LiveKernelEvent

Code: 141

Parameter 1: ffff9c8a02eb3010

Parameter 2: fffff80589782298

Parameter 3: 0

Parameter 4: 3748

Operating system version: 10_0_19042

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 256_1

System version: 10.0.19042.

Local Identifier: 1036

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