Windows Logon type 2 captured by service accounts



Hi ,

We have build a use-case to alert us when there is a interactive login from service accounts in our network . Upon checking with the concerned team they mentioned they are not physically login into any system using those accounts .The events shows logon type 2 however . Can you please assist us what possible could be reason for capturing these logins under logon type 2 .

As per you article

A user can interactively logon to a computer in one of two ways:

  • Locally, when the user has direct physical access to the computer.

  • Remotely, through Terminal Services, in which case the logon is further qualified as remote interactive. Microsoft Terminal Server uses the CredSSP Protocol [MS-CSSP] to securely delegate the user's password or smart card PIN from the client to the server to remotely log on the user and to establish a Terminal Services session.

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