Bluetooth Pairs and Initially Connects but Does Not Show up in Playback Devices or Reconnect if I Click "Disconnect"




I have an oldschool Lenovo X230 and made the mistake yesterday of trying to update my Bluetooth driver in hopes of increasing the call quality of Microsoft's extremely finnicky Your Phone app. I went to Lenovo, got the right driver, installed it, but now I can't see any headsets I connect via Bluetooth in my playback devices.

Here's a screenshot of the situation:


To put it simply, I've spent the past couple of days trying to fix this so please do not suggest any of the following since I have already tried them and they don't work:

0. Try a different headset (ANY Bluetooth device doesn't work)

1. Turn it off and on again (one of the first things I tried, no effect)

2. Revert back to old driver (tried it, no effect)

3. Restore point (I didn't have system protection enabled since my SSD is only 60 GB)

4. Reinstall Windows (NO, I want to fix this issue... any respectable OS must be mendable in the case of driver failure)

5. Show disabled devices in playback devices (was the first thing I tried, nothing)

6. Enable Bluetooth service automatically on startup (done, nothing)

7. Edit registry version value from 1.63 to 1.62 (done, nothing)

8. Run countless "troubleshooters" (0 help, I legit ran them all)

9. Virus scan (done, nothing)

10. Reinstall audio drivers (done, wired audio still works as it always did but Bluetooth does not)

Please help me out here! I will provide any logs or stacktraces you ask for

Personally I think there is some kind of under-the-hood subroutine that's supposed to link Bluetooth to the Windows audio service in the background in some convoluted way, and it has gone awry (K.I.S.S. Microsoft!)

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