Windows 10 - Setting up your recovery drive and how it could destroy your life!

  • Thread starter SebastianBuffington
  • Start date


Okay Hello All,

I decide I want to do a system backup so I look in the admin panel and I proceed to set up, what is currently called my Microsoft recovery drive. I think I am just selecting the drive to use for recovery, WRONG. No hint or clue is given to me that I might just be doing one of the craziest unsafe dumb things I could do on or with my OS. This should all be okay as in no way would there be an instance that I would not be able to read what was going on and simply hit cancel right? WRONG, I did just this and assumed I was going to simply choose the drive to use for recovery, and as I proceeded a display dialog said we will need to format the recovery drive. I lost my mind for a moment calming as I saw the cancel button. You would think all is okay at this point right? WRONG, not only did it continue to do whatever it wanted it created a new partition without any user input from myself destroying 20 years worth of work that equates to more than 500 thousand dollars spent with multiple programming assistants, hours, and hours that I paid out to many individual programmers. The end result was 9.06TB of space unallocated which is where my half of a million dollars worth of data went but here comes the kicker. On that drive, were my chains needed to buy and sell my digital currency, and the only way to retrieve or prove ownership over my digital currency is now gone which was another 500 thousand dollars worth of money lost.

I have lost 1 million dollars worth of my father's hard-earned money!

Does anyone have any suggestions about what I should do? I just lost my father's life savings in digital currency and a half of million dollars in labor programming.

This is definitely a flaw in Windows 10 and the drive should not have been altered without my express permission so I see this as a lawsuit moment.

I am looking for advice i.e. just where do I begin my lawsuit or whom should I contact about compensation etc.


Sebastian Scott Buffington

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***


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