Problem doing a clean-install of Windows 7




I am Mac user really, but I own an old Dell Inspiron 6400 15" laptop for running an old program on it that will not run on Windows 10. I do not store any data on this machine, and so I am not too concerned about the security issues with Win7 since January; I just need it as a standalone machine for this program.

Anyway, it has become an annual routine of mine to erase the hard drive of this laptop completely, and then do a clean-install of Windows 7.

I have done this several times in the past and it has never really been a problem. Until now.

I erased my hard drive okay the other day, and I inserted my old 32 bit Win7 DVD into the drawer and set it off installing. It ran through the installation apparently without any difficulty, but I always end up with a very low resolution display at this point.

Previously, once I have installed Win7 I navigate to Windows Update, whereupon loads of things are downloaded, including an ATI graphics file from Dell which gets me back to having a decent display resolution.

But this time, as soon as I navigate to Windows Update and start it checking for updates, it tells me that it cannot check for updates and presents an error code of 80244019. No matter what I do, I cannot seem to get past this point.

I have downloaded ATI driver file from the Dell site, but when I run the setup file it stops and tells me there was a problem, and suggests I use something called VGA.

I have tried downloading Win7 from Microsoft, [Download Windows 7 Disc Images (ISO Files)] onto a USB stick, in case having a more recent version might solve the problems. I erased my hard drive again and tried to re-boot from the USB, but now all I get from that is 'Error loading operating system'.

So I am at a bit of a loss here. I appreciate I'm dealing with rather 'antique' hardware & software, but does anyone have any suggestions please?

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