Why are there apps pre-installed? Why do I have to turn off s-mode to install apps like RStudio?

  • Thread starter courtneypollard
  • Start date


Dear Microsoft/Windows or what-have-you,

I was an advocate for Windows but now, I've had enough.

I would like to know why you chose to include xbox in my pre-installed list of apps that I will never use. Honestly, when someone is making a purchase for a device, I say you should let them chose what apps are pre-installed on to the computer (besides the basic apps that we need to make the computer run). But seriously, I'm tired of installing a new update to this already trash system that looks outdated no matter how many times I update it. Not only that, why do I have to do a WHOLE PROCESS of going out of s mode to install an app on my computer? I feel as though there is a better way to make sure people don't install viruses...say a firewall or virus protection! That'd be GREAT to have on the computer! Gee, better than xbox! So you sign a deal with a gaming company but not a company that can REALLY ensure the protection of our computers. Says alot about your priorities there. It's like, I have to do all these steps JUST TO install things I actually need on MY LAPTOP I purchased with MY MONEY. Hey, if you want theses pre-installed apps on YOUR LAPTOP Microsoft, I suggest you buy a laptop with YOUR MONEY and install them. You guys can't even maintain not to be hacked every once in awhile. How about this, cut your ties and merge with a company that knows what they are doing. It seems Microsoft needs to progress in a different direction. Not only does your design scream, "We need a major makeover, we're stuck in old time" but the apps do too. If you're going to make me go through all these steps to install things I need on my computer, the LEAST you could do is have alternative apps I could use IN THE MICROSOFT STORE. Like the microsoft store is probably the least used app across the board because why? The only apps you have are Mircosoft apps and games...really? Do you know how counterproductive that is? And then Microsoft Edge...no matter how many times you change the design, it still doesn't function as great as Google Chrome. So, stop trying to be 'unique' or 'one of a kind' or just fire your team and hire new minds to help this company stop crashing into the dirt and going in flames. If you're trying to only appease to the older generation, that's great but they will die soon and then what. Sorry to be morbid but it's the truth. You need to appease to 18-40 year olds. no 6-17 and then 40-80 year olds. That's what your company tells me.

You've been in the game too long to make these rookie mistakes.

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