I have a weird file system issue in Windows 10.



I have a almost new HDD which i get corrupted files on daily. It's different file every time. Been like this for months now.

It were formatted on Windows 10 1900 summer 2020. It never once had an error on that windows.

In august i did a clean install of Windows 10, 2004. Since then i got daily errors even after i claimed 100% ownership of all files after new install.

Here is the weird thing. No files is ever corrupted for real. HDD has no bad blocks. Same file is never broken twice either. It's like Windows randomly just selects new file(s) every time to "fake corrupt".

1.) All errors is gone only by rebooting windows with no disk repair at all.

2.) If i run disk repair while windows is running, the files is not corrupted anymore.

Yesterday, i did a full file backup to a different HDD.

I reformatted D: on new Windows 10. Then i copied everything back. No problems.

After a few hours i get corrupted files again, but as usual not corrupted after reboot.

The HDD can't be broken as there is no bad blocks, and nothing is lost ever.

CrystalDiskInfo SMART reading. Everything is perfect there too.

A strange issue like this is hard to find a answer on with a search engine, so i ask here.
Does anyone know what causes this?

If this can't be fixed i need to install Windows 10 1900 to get rid of the problems.

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