i want to identfy which part of my pc is the problem



so im having problems with my pc this whole time

and i tried many ways to fix it but nothing got fixed for me

so im done i think im going to replace what causing the problem

but i want to know what is causing the problem

im going to tell you what is the problem so u might know which component is the problem

first lets talk about blue screen its the backbone of my problems of my pc

95% of my bsod error msg is ( Critical_Process_Died ) cool but here is the twist so when bsod happend u wait till it gather information about the problem but thats not the case with me what happend the collect information stays at 0% untill it kick me out to the start menu ( u know when u seee ur motherboard comapny and the circle moving ) but there is no circle moving this time and then what happend iget this msga683fc3f-51f4-46ca-bed8-5628290e1c89?upload=true.jpg nothing i could do about it so i just close my pc but when i start again it work like if nothing happend until i got the bsod again and everything repeat itself

( btw there is signs that i get that i know if bsod is coming. what happend is when on everything needs the internet it wont work if its like there is no connection in my system + my screen and everything they are not freeze everything is moving but nothing open like i can click on windows button or google or anything but they wont open + my pc wont shut down but using the boot button and i cant alt +f4 my way through. if these happend i know critical procces died IS COMING).

ok now since this out of the way lists go no the 2nd problem

so this problem is kinda weird. sometimes instead of me getting bsod i get something else which is all of sudden my screen gets black i cant see nothing if its like the monitor is disconnected but there is another twist there 2 version of this black screen when it happed.

1- my screen gets black but everything works i can hear what is going on youtube or what i hear in gaming but i just cant see. so what i do is just try to restart my pc with out seeing

2- i get black screen but everything stops i cant hear anything its like everything freeze here mostly my pc crashes and restart on its own

sometimes on i hear beeping sound but not always when it goes black screen

now when these 2 happend what happend after the pc get restart/crashed ( depend on which version i got ) my pc restart but sometime i cant see anything again my pc booted but i cant see still but i figure out a way so i can see

all i do is just wait till i know that im on login menu and i memorized the pattern of where the restart option in login screen and i just restart my pc and restart and restart until i can see the screeen again

some time i just need 1 restart some time 3 somtime 8 its kinda luck

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