Laptop keeps disconnecting from wifi, only when "extender" is connected



I have one laptop (HP) that won't stay connected to wifi. It worked yesterday until I installed a new router/modem. All other devices unaffected. Here's my new setup:

New Arris SBG7400AC2 router/modem connected by coax. 2.4 and 5 have channel auto. SSIDs: Work, Work5G

DHCP range:

IP (gateway):

Older Netgear C6300 connected to Arris (wired). Turned off Use Gateway as DHCP Server

2.4 channel is auto and 5 is set to 157. SSIDs: Amp, Amp.5G


HP IP currently (obtained auto)

With all equipment, I can ping both IPs successfully. With HP, I can ping .250 successfully, every time. I fail 3or4 out of 4 times (request timed out) when pinging .1, with HP.

I was thinking, must be internal NIC or settings on HP. So, I tried ipconfig release, renew, flushdns, various netsh commands (i i r r, winsock reset, etc.), making sure computer can't power down wifi, made sure on private network, forget network, turned on connect automatically (to each SSID individually, one at a time), lowered roam to Medium-low (so wifi wouldn't try to bounce from one SSID to another), turned off Hotspot 2.0 networks, set obtain DNS automatically and tried using Google's DNS (, and the list goes on. Ran windows network diagnostics. Performed Network reset. Uninstalled, reinstalled, and rolled back drivers. Even ran AVG full/deep scan. Rebooted after each step.

I've unplugged, waited 30 seconds, plugged in both Arris and Netgear. I went to Spectrum web site and did a reset that way.

Here's the kicker; the HP is fine, if I disconnect power from Netgear! I can connect to Work or Work5G and browse away like nothing is ever wrong. With HP, I can ping .250 successfully, every time AND I can ping .1, with HP successfully every time.

As soon as the Netgear is powered up, the HP connects, allows me to browse slowly for about 1 minute, then I get server not found errors, can't reach this page, etc. using Chrome, Edge and Firefox.

All other devices use the Amp or Amp.5G to connect, as they had in the past, so I never had to reconfigure any other devices.

I'm at my wit's end. Any help, suggestions or configs you can suggest, would be much appreciated. The HP has no Ethernet port, so a wired connection isn't possible.

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