Windows 10 Won't Boot up on my New PC Build


Ethan F.

Last week I built my first PC. Whenever I try to boot windows it doesn't work. For some context my PC boots into bios completely fine with zero issues and everything (my hardware) looks just fine in bios. I have also used memtest86 to make sure that my CPU and ram are properly functioning and everything came back fine. I am currently installing windows 10 using the windows media creation tool that I downloaded to a usb flash drive from a different windows 10 PC. Also I am currently downloading windows 10 to a Samsung 970 EVO 500GB SSD. The problem I am having is right after I install windows. After I install windows, my PC restarts like it should and starts to boot up windows. About 10 seconds after my PC starts to boot up windows it stops then restarts. About 10 seconds after my PC starts to boot up windows for the second time it stops again and then restarts again. About 10 seconds after my PC tries to boot up windows for the third time it goes to a recovery screen. On this screen I have some options. The options I am given are to press enter to try again, press F1 to enter recovery environment, press F8 for startup settings, and press esc for UEFI firmware settings. The only one of these options that actually does anything is pressing esc to go UEFI firmware settings. The rest of the options just end up going back to the same screen and when I try to boot into safe mode a message pops up that says windows 10 cannot complete installation in safe mode, to continue to installing windows, restart the computer. When I restart my PC I can either boot up the windows media creation tool and reinstall windows or boot into the same repair screen. I have tried installing windows using just one stick of ram in slot 2 (my motherboard's optimized ram slots are 2 and 4) and just one stick of ram in slot 4. It didn't work either time. I also tried installing windows with different ram and I still had the same issue. I have installed windows to 2 different SSD's and a sata internal hard drive and I had the same issue on all 3. I have also downloaded the windows media creation tool to 2 different usb flash drives and I got the same problem on both. I have installed windows to a usb flash drive using the ISO file and Rufus this was the only time I got a different error. This time my PC infinitely booted and I still couldn't get into windows. Also there are no EZ debug lights that are on on my motherboard so if it is hardware that is causing the problem i'm not sure what piece of hardware it could be. At this point i'm not sure what else I can do to try to solve this problem because I have tried so many different things and nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much, Ethan. P.S. sorry for the essay but I am kind of desperate at this point.

My PC specs:

Motherboard: MSI b550m pro-vdh wifi (I have updated to the most recent bios)

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600x with stock cooler

Ram: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB)

Storage: Samsung 970 EVO 500GB SSD and Seagate Barracuda Compute 2TB 3.5" 7200 RPM Internal Hard Drive

GPU: MSI GeForce RTX 2060 6GB Gaming Z

Power Supply: Corsair CXM 750 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply

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