Second monitor has trouble turning on when I start PC



I have 2 of the same monitors. Both are Samsung same model.
Both are connected with HDMI cables to my graphic card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060.

When I turn on the PC the main monitor turn on normal, but the second one is grey and all it says is HDMI port 2 ( both are connected to that port ) then it goes black and my main monitor turns grey for a second then turns back on and second one goes back to grey. It happens again and again. Second monitor is trying to turn on and somehow my main turns off like they are trying to be synced together.

Sometimes second one wont turn on at all and just stays off and it switches to one monitor style.
If I unplug the HDMI cable from the graphic card or the monitor itselfs and plug it back in it turns on normal and everything works fine.

They are brand new and when they work, they work. I have no other problems with them besides the second one not turning on with the PC like the main one.

I have tried reinstallling drives, playing with settings, googling but I havent find a solution.

I had dual monitors before but one was connected with HDMI and other one with HDMI to VGA/DVI cable and I had no problems then.

They are both on same resolution and 144hz.

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