iCloud for Windows 10 (under Boot Camp) apparently 'thrashing'



I am basically an Apple user, but there are times when I might want to work on one of my files using a Windows app, so I gave over part of a Macbook Pro computer to a 128Gb Boot Camp partition with Windows 10. My files are on iCloud. So it's great that Apple/Microsoft have an iCloud app isn't it?

Well it would be if it worked. I downloaded and installed it OK, but then nothing happened. The document file just showed as 'folder empty'. Two calls to Apple and 48 hours later, I learned that if you click the iCloud icon on the toolbar a little pop-up appears, which said it was 'initialising' and showed an increasing count of 'items' being initialised. It doesn't say what an item is, how many there are or how long it is going to take to initialise the rest. According to MacOS, my iCloud has 11,000 items; but this Microsoft counter went up to over 200,000 - then went to zero and did it again.

After about 4 days I found a few folders had finally appeared in my iCloud drive. They were all empty but that's a start isn't it? I observed that the little popup on the toolbar now does says not 'initialising items' but 'uploading' or 'downloading' a number of items (typically 30-100). Why it should be uploading any is a mystery, because I haven't added anything to the iCloud yet! Anyway, it has up- and downloaded thousands of 'items' over the last couple of days without making much diference to the content of the iCloud folders. Including initialisation, it has now been running a full week and we are down to about three levels in the folder hierarchy but I have yet to see any actual files.

BTW, I have a 35Mb internet connection and do not have any similar problem with OneDrive, sync.com, or even synching iCloud photos. I get that it might take a while, but a week for just a few icons is ridiculous and the fact that it doesn't really tell me what it is going on is frustrating.

Along the way I have seen a couple of error messages saying files cannot be synchronised because the 'path length is too long'. WFT?

My impression is that the code is "thrashing" (chasing its own tail, running in circles, getting its knickers in a twist, repeating tasks without getting anywhere).

I have two theories, but no means to test them:

Theory 1. The path length restriction is too short, so that everything on my drive beyond about three levels of folders cannot be reached, and that iCloud is not detecting this properly so keeps trying anyway.

Theory 2. iCloud does not properly deal with showing the folder and icons for a data set that is bigger than the available memory (to be downloaded on request), so keeps hitting the top limit, does not react properly and keeps trying again. I have about 1Tb of iCloud and about 100Gb of free space on the 'disk' (a 128Gb Boot Camp partition).

Is there anything I can do other than wait for Apple/Microsoft to fix this?
(and don't tell me to move everything to OneDrive!)

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