how can I install an old version of windows? - or how windows 10 updates have destroyed my beloved laptop



hello everyone, although this post contains a simple question, I'd also like to share this and get a response from someone on microsoft.

the tl;dr is that I need to install an older version of windows 10 (or even windows 7), but I'm not sure which, nor how. would love help.

the story is that for the past 7 years i've owned a trusty, clevo based laptop with very high end (for the time, obviously) hardware. the laptop never failed me once, and was my daily driver until the last few years. ever since a certain windows 10 update, I - simply put - can't use it anymore.

for starters, windows 10's current version does not support my GPU - a Radeon 7970m, which was a 300$ price addition at the time, and the main reason for buying this laptop. if i try to install any driver for it (old or new) the system does not even boot up. right now it is running on the discreet intel 4000 GPU, which honestly makes the whole laptop pretty pointless, aside from thankfully the CPU.

other than that, every time i boot it up, i get bombarded with messages, notifications, insane and irrelevant privacy suggestions and changes, constant pop-ups and office 365 advertisements, that I can't even disable, only ask to "remind me later", and more often than not those things literally crash the computer, lock up the hard drive or prevent the computer from booting up, forcing a restart after about 5-10 minutes of waiting on it to load all the new nonsense.

now look, I know this is an old laptop and i'm not expecting microsoft to continuously support 8 year old hardware. but i do expect for there to be a way to completely (and I mean COMPLETELY) disable windows updates, suggestions, changes, and any other BS microsoft decides to shove down the customer's throat. this laptop 's hardware is still relevant for my needs, the windows 7 license I bought is still mine, and it is down right infuriating to me, that one day, out of the blue and completely without my approval or control, it becomes a glorified windows 10 advertisement. and not a nice one either, more like a brick thrown through your glass with a window repair-man's number.

anyway, my question still remains. i wish to roll back as many updates as i can so that i could keep on using this machine, and i want to disable further windows updates. for anybody that read the whole thing, thanks for the vent.

god speed to you all, and happy Hanukah.

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