Where are my old files if they are not in Windows.old



MS Win Tech Supt told me to custom reinstall after the blackscreen update circus experienced by so many users. So I did a custom reinstall which didn't copy most of my user data files. I found out later about two other options before a 'custom' reinstall...

1. Try notepad.exe to drilldown to user files and backdoor in behind the black screen issue caused by a mandatory windows update.

2. Try using the Windows key + arrow keys to increase brightness, thereby fixing blackscreen issues missed by MS quality review before rolling out their update. Fixed the blackscreen for some, at least. Please post if there are more instructions than this to workaround the win update black error.

After being ASSURED by support that user files would be saved as-is in Windows.old, I acquiesced, and the custom reinstall of win10 did NOT, in fact, move MOST OF my user files...though some came through ok. ?There was no warning interrupt to ask if I WANTED to blow away most of my user data. There was no Override pop up asking if I wanted to continue despite the copying errors the custom install had apparently encountered during my file moves. And there was no ERROR REPORT generated to tell me anything was missed or why it was bypassed.

The custom install just bypassed whatever user files it could not move to WINDOWS.OLD without any explanation as to why. Or any hint as to where the old files still may be presiding, though presumably marked for delete and left exposed to being overwritten. I'm trying to catch them for review before that happens. So I'm wanting to know where I can look and how to get there on the reinstalled version. Or can I rollback the custom install somehow to rescue my old user data files promised to be saved but weren't? MANY COMPLAINTS of this same result as me, so the backup process to the 'custom' installation is definitely Flawed and needs correction ASAP. I should have been allowed to cancel the install when backup errors were encountered. I feel this is a catastrophic miss in a customer service oriented recovery process. So I have shut down the machine to try and prevent overwriting my user files, which are now susceptible to being overwritten (hello FBI sleuths).

Question: Where are the physical files that windows.old did not or could not move? There's no report to tell me and no warning to allow me to cancel the install due to these errors.

An OVERRIDE should be inserted in the custom install process, instead of just blowing away user files without asking during backup to windows.old. Or at least an online error report showing files not moved then require user intervention to proceed -- you are MICROSOFT after all. Far lesser systems require this basic level of interaction after you promised to save them for us.

Why issue an update that causes widespread blackscreening and then mandatory install it and then blow away my files on the fly? 2 weeks ago this occurred, not years ago when first reported. and my other laptop was win7 and had the same blowout 2 weeks prior to the win10 siege. Why wasn't there a 2020 patch by now? win7 safe mode fixed the first blackscreen win update issue but not so in win10.

PS. After the pile of WHY DIDN'T YOU BACK IT UP responses to my specific question, this part is to you. If I'd told you the lead up to the situation, you would have complained it was too wordy. How is your advice helpful now? Many reasons a backup may not be adequate, including it's NOT real-time. The Win update that commandeered my system and caused the blackscreen that caused the need to custom reinstall was NOT my doing. If I rewound time to live this over, it would happen again just like this. So I'm looking for a developer level of expertise. Does anyone have the technical answer to my question? Thanks.

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