Windows 10 desktop folder synchronization issue with files moved to server location that are not shortcuts.



I began moving user primary local folders -- Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Pictures & Videos to a server location for redundancy. After I moved the users desktop folder location I noticed any files that were not shortcuts no longer worked. I would receive a message that the file was moved, deleted or no longer existed. So I created a second Desktop Icon folder on the server and moved any files that were not shortcuts to that folder, created a shortcut to those files and copied the shortcuts to the desktop. I then synched the Desktop Icon folder for off-line availability. I have several user that have many files on their desktop that would require creating shortcuts then trying to arrange the shortcuts on their desktop to mirror the same position as the originals which would be a nightmare. Lastly, I noticed that any new files, that are not shortcuts, created or copied to the desktop after the location move to the server work fine. Is this a Windows synch glitch or am I missing a step? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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