Special folders suddenly corrupted in some way after activating OneDrive



I recently decided to move the whole famiy into OneDrive, after years of relying on Synology NAS and offsites for resilience. My OneDrive account is synched with two machines - a desktop which has a full copy of all files and a laptop which mostly keeps stubs, apart from my Pictures folder. In each case I moved all the special folders into OneDrive.

The desktop is fine, everything working as expected. And I thought the laptop was too, until I turned it on this morning. The desktop and documents folders seems to have got confused between themselves, and nothing I've tried puts them back.

My OneDrive hierarchy looks like this:


But my 'This PC' hierarchy looks like this:


ie No Documents folder, two folders called Desktop, one with the standard Desktop icon, the other with the standard Documents icon. Both of them share the location of OneDrive desktop as their path. Critically, if I change the path in the folder with the Documents icon to the OneDrive documents path, it changes both of them to that path and displays them both as 'Documents'.

What appears to be the relevant registry section looks like this. I note there doesn't appear to be a Documents folder, but I don't understand quite how the OS interacts with this registry section, so I'm not inclined to muck around with until directed by someone who does.


Help please!

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