TESV.exe has been blocked from accessing Graphics hardware



I recently downloaded some mods for my game, Skyrim. I also got ENBoost and LOOT in order to make the game run smoothly. I've followed all the necessary steps for these two applications and have set the VRAM value for the ENBoost configuration settings, according to those of my laptop.

But whenever I'm trying to open the game, it's opening till the loading screen, after that I'm able to hear the background sound yet the screen is completely black. Then the game is crashing on its own and this message is popping up on my Notifications panel-

"TESV.exe has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware."

This has happened 10/12 times and its the same every time. I've also updated my drives and updated my laptop to the latest version.

I've also Run TESV as Administrator, still same problem is happening.

How to resolve the issue so that I can play the game?

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